RDF::RDFa::Parser - RDFa parser using XML::LibXML.


use RDF::RDFa::Parser;

$parser = RDF::RDFa::Parser->new($xhtml, $baseuri);
$parser->set_callbacks(\&func1, \&func2);




$p = RDF::RDFa::Parser->new($xhtml, $baseuri)

This method creates a new RDF::RDFa::Parser object and returns it. The XHTML document is parsed using XML::LibXML, which will throw an exception if it is not well-formed. RDF::RDFa::Parser does not catch the exception. The base URI is used to resolve relative URIs found in the document.


The document is parsed for RDFa. Nothing of interest is returned by this function, but the triples extracted from the document are passed to the callbacks as each one is found.

$p->set_callbacks(\&func1, \&func2)

Set callbacks for handling RDF triples extracted from RDFa document. The first function is called when a triple is generated taking the form of (resource, resource, resource). The second function is called when a triple is generated taking the form of (resource, resource, literal).

The parameters passed to the first callback function are:

* A reference to the RDF::RDFa::Parser object
* A reference to the XML::LibXML element being parsed
* Subject URI or bnode
* Predicate URI
* Resource URI or bnode

The parameters passed to the second callback function are:

* A reference to the RDF::RDFa::Parser object
* A reference to the XML::LibXML element being parsed
* Subject URI or bnode
* Predicate URI
* Resource literal
* Datatype URI (possibly undef or '')
* Language (possibly undef or '')
$p->{tdb} = 0

Used to switch off the feature.



Copyright 2008, 2009 Toby Inkster

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