TLC::Example - type constraint library


This type constraint library is even more basic that Type::Tiny. Exported types may be combined using Foo | Bar but parameterized type constraints like Foo[Bar] are not supported.


Based on Any in Types::Standard.

The Any constant returns a blessed type constraint object. is_Any($value) checks a value against the type and returns a boolean. assert_Any($value) checks a value against the type and throws an error.

To import all of these functions:

use TLC::Example qw( :Any );


Based on ArrayRef in Types::Standard.

The Array constant returns a blessed type constraint object. is_Array($value) checks a value against the type and returns a boolean. assert_Array($value) checks a value against the type and throws an error.

To import all of these functions:

use TLC::Example qw( :Array );


Based on Dir in Types::Path::Tiny.

The Directory constant returns a blessed type constraint object. is_Directory($value) checks a value against the type and returns a boolean. assert_Directory($value) checks a value against the type and throws an error.

To import all of these functions:

use TLC::Example qw( :Directory );


Based on File in Types::Path::Tiny.

The File constant returns a blessed type constraint object. is_File($value) checks a value against the type and returns a boolean. assert_File($value) checks a value against the type and throws an error.

To import all of these functions:

use TLC::Example qw( :File );


Based on HashRef in Types::Standard.

The Hash constant returns a blessed type constraint object. is_Hash($value) checks a value against the type and returns a boolean. assert_Hash($value) checks a value against the type and throws an error.

To import all of these functions:

use TLC::Example qw( :Hash );


Based on Int in Types::Standard.

The Integer constant returns a blessed type constraint object. is_Integer($value) checks a value against the type and returns a boolean. assert_Integer($value) checks a value against the type and throws an error.

To import all of these functions:

use TLC::Example qw( :Integer );


Based on NonEmptyStr in Types::Common::String.

The NonEmptyString constant returns a blessed type constraint object. is_NonEmptyString($value) checks a value against the type and returns a boolean. assert_NonEmptyString($value) checks a value against the type and throws an error.

To import all of these functions:

use TLC::Example qw( :NonEmptyString );


Based on Undef in Types::Standard.

The Null constant returns a blessed type constraint object. is_Null($value) checks a value against the type and returns a boolean. assert_Null($value) checks a value against the type and throws an error.

To import all of these functions:

use TLC::Example qw( :Null );


Based on Num in Types::Standard.

The Number constant returns a blessed type constraint object. is_Number($value) checks a value against the type and returns a boolean. assert_Number($value) checks a value against the type and throws an error.

To import all of these functions:

use TLC::Example qw( :Number );


Based on Object in Types::Standard.

The Object constant returns a blessed type constraint object. is_Object($value) checks a value against the type and returns a boolean. assert_Object($value) checks a value against the type and throws an error.

To import all of these functions:

use TLC::Example qw( :Object );


Based on Path in Types::Path::Tiny.

The Path constant returns a blessed type constraint object. is_Path($value) checks a value against the type and returns a boolean. assert_Path($value) checks a value against the type and throws an error.

To import all of these functions:

use TLC::Example qw( :Path );


Based on Str in Types::Standard.

The String constant returns a blessed type constraint object. is_String($value) checks a value against the type and returns a boolean. assert_String($value) checks a value against the type and throws an error.

To import all of these functions:

use TLC::Example qw( :String );


For any type constraint Foo the following methods are available:

Foo->check( $value )         # boolean
Foo->get_message( $value )   # error message, even if $value is ok 
Foo->validate( $value )      # error message, or undef if ok
Foo->assert_valid( $value )  # returns true, dies if error
Foo->assert_return( $value ) # returns $value, or dies if error
Foo->to_TypeTiny             # promotes the object to Type::Tiny

Objects overload stringification to return their name and overload coderefification to call assert_return.

The objects as-is can be used in Moo or Mite isa options.

has myattr => (
  is => 'rw',
  isa => Foo,

They cannot be used as-is in Moose or Mouse, but can be promoted to Type::Tiny and will then work:

has myattr => (
  is => 'rw',
  isa => Foo->to_TypeTiny,