Changes for version 0.010 - 2013-06-24

  • (Documentation) Updated NEWS file.

Changes for version 0.009_07 - 2013-06-24

  • (Packaging) Make rt86172.t an 'xt' test case because it's causing random CPAN testers failures unrelated to the feature it's supposed to be testing.
  • (Packaging) More test cases for interacting with MooseX::Types type constraints.
  • If a Type::Tiny object is instantiated with a Sub::Quote quoted constraint coderef, and no inlined coderef, then Type::Tiny will use Sub::Quote to make an inlined coderef.
  • Subclasses of Type::Tiny reject 'inlined' coderef, just like they already reject 'constraint' coderef.
  • Type::Params no longer uses Type::Utils.
  • Types::Standard::to_TypeTiny now sets 'display_name' instead of 'name' on generated type constraints.

Changes for version 0.009_06 - 2013-06-23

  • (Bugfix) Careful calling the DOES method (it doesn't exist in Perl 5.8).

Changes for version 0.009_05 - 2013-06-23

  • (Bugfix) Type::Registry does the AUTOLOAD thing, so ought to provide a DESTROY method.

Changes for version 0.009_04 - 2013-06-23

  • (Bugfix) Type::Tiny::Class shouldn't completely trust @ISA when establishing parent class heirarchies.
  • (Update) Support Type::API interfaces.
  • Constructors for Type::Tiny subclasses no longer accept the 'constraint' parameter; it doesn't make sense.

Changes for version 0.009_03 - 2013-06-22

  • (Bugfix) Fix Types::Standard compilation errors under Perl 5.8.x.

Changes for version 0.009_02 - 2013-06-22

  • (Bugfix) Fix for compiled_checks for type constraints inheriting from Type::Tiny::Class, etc. Fixes GH#1 ++$RSIMOES
  • Types::Standard no longer uses Type::Utils.
  • Various minor optimizations for Eval::TypeTiny, Type::Tiny, etc.

Changes for version 0.009_01 - 2013-06-21

  • (Addition) Reply::Plugin::TypeTiny.
  • (Bugfix) Fix error messages from type constraints with null constraint coderefs.


an overview of Type::Tiny
adding coercions to type constraints
how to build a type library with Type::Tiny, Type::Library and Type::Utils
coerce and validate arguments to functions and methods
how to use Type::Tiny and Type::Library with Moo
how to use Type::Tiny and Type::Library with Moose
how to use Type::Tiny and Type::Library with Mouse
how to use Type::Tiny and Type::Library with other OO frameworks


utility to evaluate a string of Perl code in a clean environment
a small exporter used internally by Type::Library and friends
improved type constraint exceptions in Reply
useful functions for testing the efficacy of type constraints
a set of coercions to a particular target type constraint
a set of coercions to a union type constraint
exceptions for Type::Tiny and friends
exception when a value fails a type constraint
exception for Eval::TypeTiny
exception for Type::Params
tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type libraries
Params::Validate-like parameter validation using Type::Tiny type constraints and coercions
parse type constraint strings
a glorified hashref for looking up type constraints
tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint
type constraints based on the "isa" method
type constraints based on the "can" method
string enum type constraints
intersection type constraints
type constraints based on the "DOES" method
union type constraints
utility functions to make defining and using type constraints a little easier
bundled set of built-in types for Type::Tiny
type constraints used internally by Type::Tiny