
Created:      2013-04-15
Home page:    <https://metacpan.org/release/Types-XSD>
Bug tracker:  <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=Types-XSD>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster <mailto:tobyink@cpan.org>

0.003  2013-07-08

 - (Packaging) Split out easy types into Types::XSD::Lite, which this
   module now depends on.

0.002  2013-05-13

 - (Packaging) Require DateTimeX::Auto 0.004.

0.001  2013-04-28  # First public release

0.000_04  2013-04-28

 - (Packaging) Bundle a version of Type::Tiny for testing purposes (only in
   developer previews; not for stable releases).

0.000_03  2013-04-24

 - (Addition) DateTimeStamp type constraint
 - (Addition) DayTimeDuration type constraint
 - (Addition) YearMonthDuration type constraint
 - (Addition) assertions parameter
 - (Addition) explicitTimezone parameter
 - (Documentation) Types::XSD has some documentation now!

0.000_02  2013-04-24

 - (Bugfix) Ensure that the regexps in test cases don't use any post-5.8
 - (Packaging) Depend on a newer version of Type::Library. (We need the
   undocumented _mksub method!)

0.000_01  2013-04-23  # Preview release