XML::Saxon::XSLT2 - process XSLT 2.0 using Saxon 9.x.


my $trans  = XML::Saxon::XSLT2->new( $xslt );
my $output = $trans->transform($input);


This module implements XSLT 1.0 and 2.0 using Saxon 9.x via Inline::Java.

It expects Saxon to be installed in either '/usr/share/java/saxon9he.jar' or '/usr/local/share/java/saxon9he.jar'. Future versions should be more flexible. The saxon9he.jar file can be found at - just dowload the latest Java release of Saxon-HE 9.x, open the Zip archive, extract saxon9he.jar and save it to one of the two directories above.



Creates a new transformation. $xslt may be a string, a file handle or an XML::LibXML::Document.


$trans->parameters($key=>$value, $key2=>$value2, ...)

Sets transformation parameters prior to running the transformation.

Each key is a parameter name.

Each value is the parameter value. This may be a scalar, in which case it's treated as an xs:string; a DateTime object, which is treated as an xs:dateTime; a URI object, xs:anyURI; a Math::BigInt, xs:long; or an arrayref where the first element is the type and the second the value. For example:

   now           => DateTime->now,
   madrid_is_capital_of_spain => [ boolean => 1 ],
   price_of_fish => [ decimal => '1.99' ],
   my_link       => URI->new(''),
   your_link     => [ uri => '' ],

The following types are supported via the arrayref notation: float, double, long (alias int, integer), decimal, bool (alias boolean), string, qname, uri, date, datetime. These are case-insensitive.

$trans->transform($doc, $type)

Run a transformation, returning the output as a string.

$doc may be a string, a file handle or an XML::LibXML::Document.

$type may be 'xml', 'xhtml', 'html' or 'text' to set the output mode. 'xml' is the default.

$trans->transform_document($doc, $type)

Run a transformation, returning the output as an XML::LibXML::Document.

$doc may be a string, a file handle or an XML::LibXML::Document.

$type may be 'xml', 'xhtml', 'html' or 'text' to set the output mode. 'xml' is the default.

This method is slower than transform.


Please report any bugs to

Known limitations:

  • xsl:message

    Saxon outputs messages written via <xsl:message> to STDERR. There doesn't seem to be any way to capture and return these messages (not even using Capture::Tiny or its ilk).


XML::LibXSLT is probably more reliable, and allows you to define your own XSLT extension functions. However, the libxslt library that it's based on only supports XSLT 1.0.


Toby Inkster <>.


Copyright 2010 Toby Inkster

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.