use strict;
# $Id: 411 2011-09-26 11:19:30Z $
# $Name: cgi-test_0-104_t1 $
# Copyright (c) 2001, Raphael Manfredi
# You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic License,
# as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
# This class models a FORM box, either a radio button or a checkbox.
# %attr
# Defines which HTML attributes we should look at within the node, and how
# to translate that into class attributes.
my %attr = ('name' => 'name',
'value' => 'value',
'checked' => 'is_checked',
'disabled' => 'is_disabled',
# ->_init
# Per-widget initialization routine.
# Parse HTML node to determine our specific parameters.
sub _init
my $this = shift;
my ($node) = shift;
$this->_parse_attr($node, \%attr);
# ->_is_successful -- defined
# Is the enabled widget "successful", according to W3C's specs?
# Any ticked checkbox and radio button is.
sub _is_successful
my $this = shift;
return $this->is_checked();
# ->group_list
# Returns list of widgets belonging to the same group as we do.
sub group_list
my $this = shift;
return $this->group->widgets_in($this->name);
# Local attribute access
sub group
my $this = shift;
return $this->{group};
sub is_checked
my $this = shift;
return $this->{is_checked};
sub old_is_checked
my $this = shift;
# Checking shortcuts
sub check
my $this = shift;
sub uncheck
my $this = shift;
sub check_tagged
my $this = shift;
my $tag = shift;
$this->_mark_by_tag($tag, 1);
sub uncheck_tagged
my $this = shift;
my $tag = shift;
$this->_mark_by_tag($tag, 0);
# Attribute setting
sub set_group
my $this = shift;
my $group = shift;
$this->{group} = $group;
# ->set_is_checked
# Select or unselect box.
sub set_is_checked
my $this = shift;
my ($checked) = @_;
return if !$checked == !$this->is_checked(); # No change
# To ease redefinition, let this call _frozen_set_is_checked, which is
# not redefinable and performs the common operation.
# ->reset_state -- redefined
# Called when a "Reset" button is pressed to restore the value the widget
# had upon form entry.
sub reset_state
my $this = shift;
$this->{is_checked} = delete $this->{old_is_checked}
if exists $this->{old_is_checked};
# Global widget predicates
sub is_read_only
return 1;
# High-level classification predicates
sub is_box
return 1;
# Predicates for the Box hierarchy
sub is_radio
logconfess "deferred";
sub is_standalone
my $this = shift;
1 == $this->group->widget_count($this->name());
# ->delete
# Break circular refs.
sub delete
my $this = shift;
delete $this->{group};
# ->_frozen_set_is_checked
# Frozen implementation of set_is_checked().
sub _frozen_set_is_checked
my $this = shift;
my ($checked) = @_;
# The first time we do this, save current status in `old_is_checked'.
$this->{old_is_checked} = $this->{is_checked}
unless exists $this->{old_is_checked};
$this->{is_checked} = $checked;
# ->_mark_by_tag
# Lookup the box in the group whose name is the given tag, and mark it
# as specified.
sub _mark_by_tag
my $this = shift;
my ($tag, $checked) = @_;
my @boxes = grep {$_->value eq $tag} $this->group_list();
if (@boxes == 0)
logcarp "no %s within the group '%s' bears the tag \"$tag\"",
$this->gui_type(), $this->name();
logcarp "found %d %ss within the group '%s' bearing the tag \"$tag\"",
scalar(@boxes), $this->gui_type(), $this->name()
if @boxes > 1;
$boxes[ 0 ]->set_is_checked($checked);
=head1 NAME
CGI::Test::Form::Widget::Box - Abstract representation of a tickable box
# Inherits from CGI::Test::Form::Widget
This class is the abstract representation of a tickable box, i.e. a radio
button or a checkbox.
To simulate user checking or un-checking on a box,
use the C<check()> and C<uncheck()> routines, as described below.
The interface is the same as the one described in L<CGI::Test::Form::Widget>,
with the following additions:
=head2 Attributes
=over 4
=item C<group>
The C<CGI::Test::Form::Group> object which holds all the groups of the same
widget type.
=item C<group_list>
The list of widgets belonging to the same group as we do.
=item C<is_checked>
True when the box is checked, i.e. marked with a tick.
=head2 Attribute Setting
=over 4
=item C<check>
Check the box, by ticking it.
=item C<check_tagged> I<tag>
This may be called on any box, and it will locate the box whose value
attribute is I<tag> within the C<group_list>, and then check it.
If the specified I<tag> is not found, the caller will get a warning
via C<logcarp>.
=item C<uncheck>
Uncheck the box, by removing its ticking mark.
It is not possible to do this on a radio button: you must I<check> another
radio button of the same group instead.
=item C<uncheck_tagged> I<tag>
This may be called on any box, and it will locate the box whose value
attribute is I<tag> within the C<group_list>, and then remove its ticking mark.
It is not possible to do this on a radio button, as explained in C<uncheck>
If the specified I<tag> is not found, the caller will get a warning
via C<logcarp>.
=head2 Widget Classification Predicates
There is an additional predicate to distinguish between a checkbox and
a radio button:
=over 4
=item C<is_radio>
Returns I<true> for a radio button.
=item C<is_standalone>
Returns I<true> if the box is the sole member of its group.
Normally only useful for checkboxes: a standalone radio button,
although perfectly legal, would always remain in the checked state, and
therefore not be especially interesting...
=head2 Miscellaneous Features
Although documented, those features are more targetted for
internal use...
=over 4
=item C<set_is_checked> I<flag>
Change the checked status. Radio buttons can only be checked, i.e. the
I<flag> must be true: all other radio buttons in the same group are
immediately unchecked.
You should use the C<check> and C<uncheck> convenience routines instead
of calling this feature.
=head1 WEBSITE
You can find information about CGI::Test and other related modules at:
CGI::Test now has a publicly accessible CVS server provided by
SourceForge ( You can access it by going to:
=head1 AUTHORS
The original author is Raphael Manfredi F<E<lt>Raphael_Manfredi@pobox.comE<gt>>.
Send bug reports, hints, tips, suggestions to Steven Hilton at <>
=head1 SEE ALSO