Revision history for Perl extension EPUB-Parser
0.07 2018-03-18T10:30:43Z
Fixbug: calling function on undefined object (thanks lameventanas)
Merge pull request #4 from lameventanas/master
0.06 2017-02-09T09:20:32Z
Fixbug: remove MYMETA.json (thanks chorny)
0.05 2013-08-05T13:43:20Z
Fixbug: It failed to get xmlns:dc
0.04 2013-07-15T07:30:54Z
add shortcut method to EPUB::Parser
$self->navi->toc->list have wantarray context
add epub-parser script file
0.03 2013-06-21T06:30:08Z
Document fix
0.02 2013-06-16T15:40:38Z
Fix File::Slurp dependency
Document fix
0.01 2013-06-13T11:59:07Z
initial release