Amon2::Web - Web Application Base.
package MyApp;
use parent qw/Amon2/;
package MyApp::Web;
use parent qw/MyApp Amon2::Web/;
This is a web application base class.
Create new request object from
.You can override this method to change request object's class.
$c->create_response($code, \@headers, \@body)
Create new response object.
You can override this method to change response object's class.
Create new view object. View object should have
method.You can override this method to change view object's class.
$c->dispatch() : Plack::Response
Do dispatch request. This method must return instance of Plack::Response.
You can override this method to change behavior.
$c->html_content_type() : Str
Returns default Content-Type value for the HTML response.
You can override this method to change behavior.
$c->request() : Plack::Request
$c->req() : Plack::Request
This is a accessor method to get the request object in this context.
$c->redirect($location : Str, \%parameters) : Plack::Response
Create a response object to redirect for
.$c->redirect('/foo', +{bar => 3})
is same as following(if base URL is http://localhost:5000/)
$c->create_response(302, [Location => 'http://localhost:5000/foo?bar=3'])
Create new response object which has 403 status code.
Create new response object which has 404 status code.
Create new response object which has 405 status code.
$c->create_simple_status_page($code, $message)
Create a new response object which represents specified status code.
MyApp->to_app() : CodeRef
Create an instance of PSGI application.
$c->uri_for($path: Str, \%args) : Str
Create URI from
.This method returns relative URI.
$c->render($tmpl[, @args|%args]) : Plack::Web::Response
This method renders HTML.
Return a encoding object using
.You can override this method to change behavior.
$c->encode_html($html) : Str
This method encodes HTML from bytes.
You can override this method to change behavior.