Changes for version 0.03
- WARNINGS: this release has some drastic changes..
- validate schema with Kwalify
- added new plugins
- Notify::IRC
- Check::Flock
- Agent::MySQLSlave
- Agent::SNMP::Disk
- Agent::SNMP::Process
- use Log::Dispatch, a pluggable logger.
- Worker::Gearman: kill zombie.
- (MISC)
- added documents.
- some variables are now configurable
enterprise-class monitoring solutions
monitoring DB
monitoring DJabberd
monitoring FTP
monitoring gearmand
check HTTP
monitoring mogilefsd
monitoring mysql slave.
monitoring pop3s server.
check Perlbal.
ping! ping!
monitoring process
check SMTP.
check smtptls.
monitoring disk
monitoring process
network is alive?
check uid
notify by email
notify with POE
work with gearman
simple worker
please retry...
in lib/App/MadEye/Plugin/Agent/
in lib/App/MadEye/Plugin/Agent/
in lib/App/MadEye/Plugin/
in lib/App/MadEye/Plugin/Notify/
in lib/App/MadEye/
in lib/App/MadEye/Rule/
in lib/App/MadEye/