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use strict;
use base qw/Exporter/;
our @EXPORT = qw/timeout get_schema_from_pod context snmp_session/;
use Sys::Syslog qw/:DEFAULT/;
use Pod::POM ();
use List::Util qw/first/;
use YAML ();
use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday/;
sub context () { App::MadEye->context } ## no critic.
sub timeout($$&) { ## no critic.
my ( $secs, $msg, $code ) = @_;
context->log(debug => "run timer: '$msg', $secs");;
my $last_alarm = 0;
my $err;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Time out error: $msg" };
$last_alarm = alarm $secs;
my $start_time = gettimeofday();
context->log('debug' => "stopwatch: " . (gettimeofday() - $start_time));
if ($@) {
$err = $@;
context->log('error' => $err);
alarm $last_alarm; # restore
return $err;
sub get_schema_from_pod {
my $target = shift;
my $proto = ref $target || $target;
my $parser = Pod::POM->new;
my $pom = $parser->parse(Class::Inspector->resolved_filename($proto));
if (my $schema_node = first { $_->title eq 'SCHEMA' } $pom->head1) {
my $schema_content = $schema_node->content;
$schema_content =~ s/^ //gm;
my $schema = YAML::Load($schema_content);
return $schema;
} else {
return; # 404 schema not found.
sub snmp_session {
my ($agent, $host, $callback, ) = @_;
my $community = $agent->config->{config}->{community} or die "missing community";
my $port = $agent->config->{config}->{port} || 161;
my $timeout = $agent->config->{config}->{timeout} || 10;
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $host,
-community => $community,
-port => $port,
-timeout => $timeout,
if (not defined($session)) {
die "ERROR: $error.\n";
} else {
my $response = $callback->($session);
return $response;