Changes for version 0.07
- b3ab89f re-packaging
- 5fbafad use_test_base sucks
- 08c7ad2 shellモードの {on,with} ... do ... 形式と !task {on,with} ...形式が動くよ うにした。 テストコードも追加。
- dd059b7 'role' should be here :p
- 97e332b ネストしたforループの罠にハマった
- 2dcb78c fixed log level.
- 2277280 added with option for do deploy with skip_default tasks.
- 9cc7ea9 added skip_default setting for none-always-need task.
- 7cc348c not $plugin but $args.
- 62d4b85 fixed indent.
- afbe53f added --log_level option for debuging setting.
- 6e6a6ef added only feature.
- 2fc1822 Added project filter for project only task. Tweaked info message.
yet another deployment tool
run the command in ...
run the command in local machine.
do not run two process in the same time.
show the mysqldiff, with sledge's configuration class.
execute rsync.
svn diff
svn log
svn update
display shell prompt for remote servers.
in lib/Archer/
in lib/Archer/Parallel/
in lib/Archer/
in lib/Archer/Plugin/
in lib/Archer/Plugin/