Module::Build::Pluggable::XSUtil::Cookbook - cookbook for XSUtil
This document describes porting from Module::Install::XSUtil
- -g Option
use Module::Build::Pluggable ( 'XSUtil', );
Module::Build::Pluggable::XSUtil supports it.
- cc_available
Module::Build supports to check the system having compiler natively.
- c99_available
use Devel::CheckCompiler; my $c99_available = check_c99();
Use Devel::CheckCompiler.
- want_xs()
use Devel::WantXS; my $want_xs = want_xs();
Devel::WantXS provides this feature.
- use_ppport()
use Module::Build::Pluggable ( 'XSUtil' => { ppport => 1, }, );
Module::Build::Pluggable::XSUtil provides this feature.
- use_xshelper()
use Module::Build::Pluggable ( 'XSUtil' => { 'xshelper' => 1, }, );
Module::Build::Pluggable::XSUtil provides this feature.
- cc_warnings()
use Module::Build::Pluggable ( 'XSUtil' => { cc_warnings => 1, }, );
Moule::Build::Pluggable::XSUtil provides this feature.
- cc_define(@macros)
Module::Build->new( extra_compiler_flags => join(' ', @macros) );
- cc_src_paths(@source_paths)
Module::Build->new( c_source => \@source_paths );
- cc_include_paths(@include_paths)
Module::Build->new( include_dirs => \@include_paths );
- cc_libs(@libs)
Module::Build->new( extra_linker_flags => join(' ', map { "-l$_" } @libs) );
- cc_assert_lib(%args)
use Module::Build::Pluggable ( 'CheckLib' => { %args }, );
Module::Build::Pluggable::CheckLib provides this feature.
- requires_c99()
use Module::Build::Pluggable ( 'XSUtil' => { c99 => 1, }, );
Module::Build::Pluggable::XSUtil provides this feature.
- requires_cplusplus()
use Module::Build::Pluggable ( 'XSUtil' => { 'c++' => 1, }, );
Module::Build::Pluggable::XSUtil provides this feature.