perl-build - perl binary builder
# perl-build command is FatPacker ready
% curl | perl - 5.16.2 /opt/perl-5.16/
# Or, just install from CPAN
% cpanm Perl::Build
# And run it.
% perl-build 5.16.2 /usr/local/perl-5.16.2
% perl-build path/to/perl-5.16.2.tar.gz /usr/local/perl-5.16.2
This script fetch/build/install perl5 from CPAN or tar ball.
- -D, -A, -U
-Dxxx, -Axxx, -Uxxx options are pass through to ./Configure script.
- --test
This option enables
make test
after building.(Default: disabled)
- --patches=Asan
You can set PERL5_PATCHPERL_PLUGIN environment variable by this option.
- --build-dir=path
Specify perl build path. optional. (Default: temporary directory)
- -j n
- --jobs n
Parallel building and testing.
- --tarball-dir
Specify the tar ball saving directory.
(Default: temporary directory, will remove after building)
- --definitions
% perl-build --definitions
Display the available perl versions and exit.
- --version
Show version number and exit.
- --symlink-devel-executables
Create symlinks for development version perl commands.
- How can I apply security fixes like CVE-2013-1667?
RURBAN provides Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin::Asan. Install it and run
perl-build --patches=Asan 5.16.1 /opt/perl/5.16/