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use strict;
use Params::Validate ':all';
use List::Util qw/first/;
use HTML::Entities qw/encode_entities/;
use URI::Escape qw/uri_escape_utf8/;
template 'mobile/wrapper_mobile' => sub {
my ($self, $mobile_agent, $code, $subtitle) = @_;
my $encoding = $mobile_agent->can_display_utf8 ? 'UTF-8' : 'Shift_JIS';
outs_raw qq{<?xml version=" 1.0 " encoding="$encoding"?>};
html { attr { 'lang' => 'ja', 'xml:lang' => 'ja', xmlns => 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' }
head {
meta { attr { 'http-equiv' => 'Content-Type', 'content' => "text/html; charset=$encoding" } }
meta { attr { 'http-equiv' => 'Cache-Control', content => 'max-age=0' } }
meta { attr { name => 'robots', content => 'noindex, nofollow' } }
link { attr { rel => 'stylesheet', href => '/static/mobirc.css', type=> "text/css"} };
link { attr { rel => 'stylesheet', href => '/static/mobile.css', type=> "text/css"} };
if ($mobile_agent->user_agent =~ /(?:iPod|iPhone)/) {
meta { attr { name => 'viewport', content => 'width=device-width' } }
meta { attr { name => 'viewport', content => 'initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes' } }
title {
my $title = $subtitle ? "$subtitle - " : '';
$title .= "mobirc";
body {
a { name is 'top' };
private template 'mobile/footer' => sub {
hr { };
outs_raw '&#xE6E9;'; # TODO: pictogram::docomo { '8' }
a { attr { 'accesskey' => "8", 'href' => "/mobile/"}
'back to top'
template 'mobile/topics' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my %args = validate(
@_ => {
mobile_agent => 1,
channels => 1,
show 'wrapper_mobile', $args{mobile_agent}, sub {
for my $channel ( @{ $args{channels} } ) {
div { attr { class => 'OneTopic' }
a { attr { href => sprintf('/mobile/channel?channel=%s', $channel->name_urlsafe_encoded) }
} br { }
span { $channel->topic } br { }
show 'footer';
}, 'topics';
template 'mobile/keyword' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my %args = validate(
@_ => {
mobile_agent => 1,
rows => 1,
irc_nick => 1,
show 'wrapper_mobile', $args{mobile_agent}, sub {
a { attr { name => "1" } }
a { attr { accesskey => '7', href => '#1' } };
div { attr { class => 'ttlLv1' } 'keyword' };
for my $row ( @{$args{rows}} ) {
show '../keyword_line', $row, $args{irc_nick};
show 'footer';
}, 'keyword';
template 'mobile/top' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my %args = validate(
@_ => {
exists_recent_entries => 1,
keyword_recent_num => 1,
channels => 1,
mobile_agent => 1,
show 'wrapper_mobile', $args{mobile_agent}, sub {
if ($args{keyword_recent_num} > 0) {
div {
class is 'keyword_recent_notice';
a {
href is '/mobile/keyword?recent_mode=on';
for my $channel (@{$args{channels}}) {
outs_raw '&#xE6F0;';
a {
href is ('/mobile/channel?channel=' . $channel->name_urlsafe_encoded);
if ($channel->unread_lines) {
a {
href is ('/mobile/channel?recent_mode=on&channel=' . $channel->name_urlsafe_encoded);
br { };
hr { };
show 'menu' => (
exists_recent_entries => $args{exists_recent_entries}
hr { };
show '../parts/version_info'
template 'mobile/recent' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my %args = validate(
@_ => {
channel => 1,
has_next_page => 1,
irc_nick => 1,
mobile_agent => 1,
my $channel = $args{channel} or die 'missing channel';
show 'wrapper_mobile', $args{mobile_agent}, sub {
div {
class is 'ChannelHeader';
a {
class is 'ChannelName';
a {
href is '/mobile/channel?channel=' . $channel->name_urlsafe_encoded();
for my $message (@{$channel->recent_log}) {
show '../irc_message', $message, $args{irc_nick};
br { };
if ($args{has_next_page}) {
outs_raw '&#xE6E7;';
a {
href is '/mobile/recent';
accesskey is '6';
hr { };
show 'go_to_top';
private template 'mobile/go_to_top' => sub {
div {
class is 'GoToTop';
outs_raw '&#xE6E9;';
a {
accesskey is "8";
href is "/mobile/";
'ch list'
private template 'mobile/menu' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my %args = validate(
@_ => {
exists_recent_entries => 1,
outs_raw '&#xE6EB;';
a { attr { href => '/mobile/#top', accesskey => 0 }
'refresh list'
br { };
if ($args{exists_recent_entries}) {
span { '*' }
a { attr { href => '/mobile/recent', accesskey => '*' }
br { }
a { attr { href => '/mobile/topics', accesskey => '#' }
br { };
a { attr { 'href' => '/mobile/keyword' }
br { };
outs_raw '&#xE6EA;';
a {
attr { href => '/mobile/clear_all_unread', accesskey => '9' }
br { };
template 'mobile/channel' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my %args = validate(
@_ => {
mobile_agent => 1,
channel => 1,
channel_page_option => 1,
irc_nick => 1,
recent_mode => 1,
message => 1,
my $channel = $args{channel};
show 'wrapper_mobile', $args{mobile_agent}, sub {
form {
attr { action => '/mobile/channel?channel=' . $channel->name_urlsafe_encoded, method => 'post' };
input {
unless ($args{mobile_agent}->is_non_mobile) {
size is 10;
if ($args{message}) {
value is $args{message};
type is 'text';
name is 'msg';
input { attr { type => "submit", accesskey => "1", value => "OK", } };
for my $html (@{$args{channel_page_option}}) {
outs_raw $html;
br { };
if ($channel) {
if (@{$channel->message_log} > 0) {
if ($args{recent_mode}) {
for my $message (reverse $channel->recent_log) {
show '../irc_message', $message, $args{irc_nick};
br { };
hr { };
outs_raw '&#xE6E6;';
a {
attr { 'accesskey' => 5, href => '/mobile/channel?channel=' . $channel->name_urlsafe_encoded() };
} else {
for my $message (reverse $channel->message_log) {
show '../irc_message', $message, $args{irc_nick};
br { };
} else {
p { 'no message here yet' };
} else {
p { 'no such channel.' };
hr { };
show 'go_to_top';