

Does infobot things - basically remmebers and returns factoids. Will ask another infobot about factoids that it doesn't know about, if you want.

Due to persistent heckling from the peanut gallery, does things pretty much exactly like the classic infobot, even when they're not necessarily that useful (for example, saying "okay." rather than "OK, water is wet.").


Assume the bot is called 'eric'. Then you'd use the infobot as follows.

me: eric, water is wet.
eric: okay.
me: water?
eric: water is wet.
me: eric, water is also blue.
eric: okay.
me: eric, water?
eric: water is wet or blue.

etc, etc.

a response that begins <reply> will have the '<noun> is' stripped, so

me: eric, what happen is <reply>somebody set us up the bomb
eric: okay.
me: what happen?
eric: somebody set us up the bomb

just don't do that in

Likewise, a response that begins <action> will be emoted as a response, instead of said. Putting '|' characters in the reply indicates different possible answers, and the bot will pick one at random.

me: eric, dice is one|two|three|four|five|six
eric: okay.
me: eric, dice?
eric: two.
me: eric, dice?
eric: four.

Finally, you can read RSS feeds:

me: eric, is <rss="">
eric: okay.

ok, you get the idea.

You can also tell the bot to learn a factoid from another bot, as follows:

me: eric, learn fact from dispy
eric: learnt 'fact is very boring' from dipsy.
me: fact?
eric: fact is very boring



Set this to the nick of an infobot and your bot will ask them about factoids that we don't know about, and forward them on (with attribution).


If we need to request an RSS feed that takes a long time to come back, we'll time out and drop off the server. oops.