Class::DBI::utf8 - A Class:::DBI subclass that knows about UTF8
Exactly as Class::DBI:
package Foo;
use base qw( Class::DBI );
use Class::DBI::utf8;
__PACKAGE__->utf8_columns(qw( text ));
# create an object with a nasty character.
my $foo = Foo->create({
text => "a \x{2264} b for some a",
Rather than have to think about things like character sets, I prefer to have my objects just Do The Right Thing. I also want utf-8 encoded byte strings in the database whenever possible. Using this subclass of Class::DBI, I can just put perl strings into the properties of an object, and the right thing will always go into the database and come out again.
This module requires perl 5.8.0 or later - if you're still using 5.6, and you want to use unicode, I suggest you don't. It's not nice.
This module _assumes_ that the underlying DBD driver doesn't know anything about character sets, and is just storing bytess. If you're using something like DBD::Pg, which _does_ know about charsets, you don't need this module. Having said, that, I've tried to write it in such a way that if the DBD driver _does_ know about charsets, we won't break. (see BUGS)
Internally, the module is futzing with the _utf8_on and _utf8_off methods. If you don't know _why_ doing that is probably a bad idea, you should read into it before you start trying to do this sort of thing yourself. I'd _prefer_ to use encode_utf8 and decode_utf8, but I have my reasons for doing it this way - mostly, it's so that we can allow for DBD drivers that know about charsets.
I've attempted to make the module _keep_ doing the Right Thing even when the DBD driver for the database _does_ know what it's doing, ie, if you give it sensible perl strings it'll store the right thing in the database and recover the right thing from the database. However, I've been forced to assume that, in this eventuality, the database driver will hand back strings that already have the utf-8 bit set. If they don't, things _will_ break. On the bright side, they'll break really fast.
Tom Insam <>