CMS::Drupal::Modules::MembershipEntity::Test - Exports some helper routines for testing


version 0.095


 use Test::More;
 use CMS::Drupal;
 use CMS::Drupal::Modules::MembershipEntity::Test qw/ build_test_db build_test_data/;

 my $drupal = CMS::Drupal->new;

 my $dbh = build_test_db( $drupal );

 my $ME = CMS::Drupal::Modules::MembershipEntity->new( dbh => $dbh );

 my $hashref = $ME->fetch_memberships;
 my $cmp_data = build_test_data;

 # or:

 my $hashref = $ME->fetch_memberships([ 1234, 5678 ]);
 my $cmp_data = build_test_data([ 1234, 5678 ]);

 is_deeply($hashref, $cmp_data, 'Data matches'); 


Use this module when testing the CMS::Drupal::Modules::MembershipEntity modules.



This method returns a database handle ($dbh) that is connected to an in-memory SQLite database. The database is built by this method using data files that must be contained in the same directory that the calling script lives in.

The method takes one argument, which must be a $drupal object. This is because it calls $drupal->dbh() to generate its database handle, which, because we are using SQLite, contains the database inside the handle itself.

The files are:

  • test_db.sql

  • test_types.dat

  • test_memberships.dat

  • test_terms.dat

Note that this method uses Test::More and Test::Group itself to report success/failures in building the test database. So in your scipt that calls this method you should add one additional test to your plan.


This method does the same as the previous one except it does not run tests itself, in other words it builds the test db and the test data silently.


This method returns a data structure containing the Memberships as they would be returned by CMS::Drupal::Modules::MembershipEntity::fetch_memberships(). It creates the data structure by parsing the same files that were used to build in test database.

The method takes an optional single argument, which is an arrayref containing a list of mids. Only the Memberships associated with the mids provided will; be included in the data returned.

$cmp_data = build_test_data( [ 1234, 5678 ] );

The data structure is a hashref of hashrefs (Membership objects, indexed by mid, containing among their attributes an array of hashrefs (Membership Term objects) ...

'4086' => bless( {
                  'mid'       => '4086',
                  'uid'       => '12305',
                  'status'    => '1',
                  'member_id' => '01252',
                  'terms' => {
                              '4088' => bless( {
                                                'mid'            => '4086',
                                                'array_position' => 2,
                                                'status'         => '1',
                                                'modifiers'      => 'a:0:{}',
                                                'end'            => 1448611200,
                                                'start'          => 1354089600,
                                                'term'           => 'import',
                                                'tid'            => '4088'
                                               }, 'CMS::Drupal::Modules::MembershipEntity::Term' ),
                              '3920' => bless( {
                                                'mid'            => '4086',
                                                'array_position' => 1,
                                                'status'         => '0',
                                                'modifiers'      => 'a:0:{}',
                                                'end'            => 1403247600,
                                                'start'          => 1308639600,
                                                'term'           => 'import',
                                                'tid'            => '3920'
                                               }, 'CMS::Drupal::Modules::MembershipEntity::Term' )
                  'type' => 'membership',
                  'created'   => '1354086000',
                  'changed'   => '1400604379'
                 }, 'CMS::Drupal::Modules::MembershipEntity::Membership' ),



Nick Tonkin <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Nick Tonkin.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.