Changes for version 0.47_01
- set the locale to "C" properly when testing ft1.x error messages
- don't destroy image before creating it in error handling in bmp.c
- extra concept index entries
- Imager::Draw - align_string()'s valign parameter was invalid in the synopsis
- start of external Imager API access:
- rename headers to avoid conflicts:
- image.h to imager.h
- imagei.h to imageri.h
- datatypes.h to imdatatypes.h
- config.h to imconfig.h (created by Makefile.PL)
- moved all public types defined in imager.h to imdatatypes.h
- supply the PM parameter to WriteMakefile(), to install headers under Imager/include, and the Imager typemap in Imager/typemap. We scan the MANIFEST for files to add to PM.
- add "i_" prefix on some functions useful as public at the C level.
- moved the typedefs that support the typemap from Imager.xs to imperl.h
- set the global callbacks hook in the Imager.xs BOOT section
- API cleanup:
- define i_tags_set(), i_tags_setn() - we might not allow multiple values for a tag in the future
- i_copy() now returns a new image instead of doing horrible inplace things to an existing image
- provide actual functions for all of the macros we define in imager.h so we can put them in the global callbacks structure
- define global functions structure (imexttypes.h) and initialize it (imext.c)
- add API include header with macros to setup the define and initialize the local callbacks pointer, and macros to call the API functions.
- build Imager::APIRef from C sources, including updating the sources to include documentation for each API function.
- convert dyntest and mandelbrot dynfilts into XS modules (too easy)
- simple Imager::CountColor example
- rename headers to avoid conflicts:
- support Inline::C :
- typemap changes to accept Imager or Imager::ImgRaw objects as image parameters
- define Imager output type for trivial cases of returning an i_img as a full Imager object
- Inline WITH hook to filter Imager XS types into types Inline::C can accept, supply appropriate headers and initialization.
- test script t/t82inline.t
- try to use XSLoader instead of DynaLoader (but fallback if necessary)
- paste() can now paste a subset of the source image.
- paste() now has better tests
- paste() should now be faster for larger pastes
- added sample files missing from MANIFEST
- added t/t92samples.t to check samples/README against MANIFEST
- added to samples
- constify the Imager API
- document Imager::Filter::Mandelbrot
- convert dynfilt/flines.c to Imager::Filter::Flines
- minor changes for older perl/ExtUtils::MM
- deal with freetype-config --cflags returning the directories in the wrong order (Freetype 2.1.4 and earlier) Thanks to David Wheeler for his help in tracking this down.
- reword and provide an example for non-proportionally scaling an image. Wording from Simon Cozens.
- error messages when writing TIFF images were always 'Could not write to buffer', more useful messages are now reported.
- error messages when writing PNM images were always 'unable to write pnm image', more useful messages are now reported.
- convert t/t103raw.t to Test::More
- reading a raw image no longer exits on a short read or read error, and returns an appropriate error message in $im->errstr
- write failures when writing a raw image now return a useful message in $im->errstr
- added typemap type names to types in Imager::API.
- make skip when Inline::C not available less verbose
- convert t/t07iolayer.t to Test::More
- handle the possibility of strerror() returning NULL.
- supply C<imager> parameter to filters so we can register filters implemented in perl.
- document register_filter() and add test for it
- add example to SYNOPSIS of samples/
- minor POD fix in Imager::Color::Table
- eliminate many -Wall warnings
- update README to match unbuggy giflib
- document index parameter of Imager::Font->new()
- change faxable output to use a more fax natural PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE, since T.4 normally works that way, and MINISBLACK confuses some readers.
- clean up scale() method for readability
- make scale() fail if an invalid type is supplied (previously documented as undefined behaviour)
- add error handling tests for scale()
- smarter warning removal
- handle effects of byte ordering when testing tiff error messages
- scale() can now expect an Image::Math::Constrain object as a scaling constraint via the constrain parameter.
- added tests for the various ways we can specify scaling size
- documented scale()'s scalefactor parameter
- sick of $opts{scalefactor} in scale(), give it a scalar to call it's own.
- check $Config{ldflags} and $Config{ccflags} for places to search for headers and libraries. This deals with the way the fink build of perl puts -L/sw/lib in ldflags rather than using loclibpth
- eliminate some of the duplication of -I and -L options in LIBS and INC
- Makefile.PL now uses strict.
- the search for freetype1.x headers is now smarter
- add tests for scaleX()/scaleY()
- expand documentation of scaleX()/scaleY()
- rotate()s back parameter now accepts color names like other methods
- convert t/t69rubthru.t to Test::More
- minor clean up of rubthrough() method
- error handling tests for rubthrough()
- expand Imager::Transformations:
- document parameters more explicitly
- document return values
- add examples
- eliminate sign warning from image.c
- make TIFF detection stricter
- more memory allocation integer overflow auditing
- IM_DEBUG_MALLOC wasn't interacting well with the API
- make win32.c const happy
- make raw.c C89 compliant
- added version/level to the API function table structure
- fix/simplify META.yml generation - we now generate META.yml at Makefile.PL time, since trying to work with EU::MM to generate a custom META.yml was a waste.
- bump to 0.47_01
- For latest versions check the Imager-devel pages:
recipes working with Imager
Draw primitives to images
Programmable transformation operations
working with image files
Entire Image Filtering Operations
Internal image representation information
using Imager with Inline::C.
Simple transformations of one image into another.
an introduction to Imager.
decribes the virtual image interface
documents the register virtual machine used by Imager::transform2().
demonstrates writing a simple function using Imager.
dim alternate lines to emulate a video display
Perl extension for Generating 24 bit Images
filter that renders the Mandelbrot set.
Imager's C API - introduction.
Imager's C API.
Color handling for Imager.
Rough floating point sample colour handling
built-in Imager color table
implements expression parsing and compilation for the expression evaluation engine used by Imager::transform2()
an assembler for producing code for the Imager register machine
functions handy in writing Imager extensions
general fill types
Font handling for Imager.
objects representing the bounding box of a string.
low-level functions for FreeType2 text output
low-level functions for Truetype fonts
low-level functions for Type1 fonts
uses Win32 GDI services for text output
simple wrapped text output
a class for building fountain fills suitable for use by the fountain filter.
simple wrapper for matrix construction
generated information about the register based VM
a library of register machine image transformations
in lib/Imager/
in lib/Imager/
in DynTest/
in lib/Imager/Font/
- samples/README
- samples/
- samples/
- samples/
- samples/
- samples/
- samples/
- samples/samp-form.cgi
- samples/samp-image.cgi
- samples/samp-scale.cgi
- samples/samp-scale.html
- samples/samp-tags.cgi
- samples/samp-tags.html
- samples/
- samples/