Imager::Graph::Pie - a tool for drawing pie charts on Imager images


  use Imager::Graph::Pie;

  my $chart = Imager::Graph::Pie->new;
  # see Imager::Graph for options
  my $img = $chart->draw(labels=>['first segment', 'second segment'],
			 data=>[ $first_amount, $second_amount ],
			 size=>[$width, $height])


Imager::Graph::Pie is intender to make it simple to use Imager to create good looking pie graphs.

Most of the basic layout and color selection is handed off to Imager::Graph.


Draws a pie graph onto a new image and returns the image.

You must at least supply a data parameter and should probably supply a labels parameter.

The data parameter should be a reference to an array containing the data the pie graph should present.

The labels parameter is a reference to an array of labels, corresponding to the values in data.


As described in Imager::Graph you can enable extra features for your graph. The features you can use with pie graphs are:


adds a legend to your graph. Requires the labels parameter


labels each segment of the graph. If the label doesn't fit inside the segment it is presented as a callout.


adds the percentage of the pie to each label.


the segments are labels with their percentages only.


all labels are presented as callouts


the segments are blurred, as a substitute for anti-aliased arcs


the pie segments are outlined.


the pie is given a drop shadow.



# from the Netcraft September 2001 web survey
my @data   = qw(17874757  8146372   1321544  811406 );
my @labels = qw(Apache    Microsoft iPlanet  Zeus   );

my $pie = Imager::Graph::Pie->new;

First a simple graph, normal size, no labels:

my $img = $pie->draw(data=>\@data)
  or die $pie->error;

label the segments:

# error handling omitted for brevity from now on
$img = $pie->draw(data=>\@data, labels=>\@labels, features=>'labels');

just percentages in the segments:

$img = $pie->draw(data=>\@data, features=>'labelspconly');

add a legend as well:

$img = $pie->draw(data=>\@data, labels=>\@labels,
                  features=>[ 'labelspconly', 'legend' ]);

and a title, but move the legend down, and add a dropshadow:

$img = $pie->draw(data=>\@data, labels=>\@labels,
                  title=>'Netcraft Web Survey',
                  legend=>{ valign=>'bottom' },
                  features=>[ qw/labelspconly legend dropshadow/ ]);

something a bit prettier:

# requires Imager > 0.38
$img = $pie->draw(data=>\@data, labels=>\@labels,
                  style=>'fount_lin', features=>'legend');

suitable for monochrome output:

# requires Imager > 0.38
$img = $pie->draw(data=>\@data, labels=>\@labels,
                  style=>'mono', features=>'legend');


These are used in the implementation of Imager::Graph, and are documented for debuggers and developers.

_consolidate_segments($data, $labels, $total)

Consolidate segments that are too small into an 'others' segment.

_pieblur($img, $cx, $cy, $radius)

Blurs the pie as a substitute for anti-aliased segments.

_fit_text($cx, $cy, $name, $text, $radius, $begin, $end)

Attempts to fit text into a pie segment with its center at ($cx, $cy) with the given radius, covering the angles $begin through $end.

Returns a list defining the bounding box of the text if it does fit.


Tony Cook <>


Imager::Graph(3), Imager(3), perl(1)

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 555:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'