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# -*- cperl -*-
# copyright (C) 2005 Topia <topia@clovery.jp>. all rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
# $Id: TableListPage.pm 100 2005-02-04 19:19:55Z topia $
use strict;
use URI;
=head1 NAME
WWW::Mixi::OO::TableListPage - WWW::Mixi::OO's Table style List Pages base class
package WWW::Mixi::OO::Foo;
use base qw(WWW::Mixi::OO::TableListPage);
# some implementations...
table style list pages base class.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item parse
see parent class (L<WWW::Mixi::OO::ListPage>),
and some implementation class.
=item parse_navi_prev
=item parse_navi_current
=item parse_navi_next
parse previous(or current, or next) navigation.
see some implementation class.
=over 4
=item parse_title
parse title message. return scalar or array of scalar.
sub parse {
my $body = shift->parse_body;
return () unless defined $body;
return @$body;
foreach (qw(prev current next)) {
eval <<"END";
sub parse_navi_$_ \{
my \$this = shift;
my \$navi = \$this->parse_navi;
return () unless defined \$navi;
return () unless defined \$navi->{$_};
return \$navi->{$_};
these methods used from internal (such as subclass).
=over 4
=item parse_table
=item parse_navi
=item parse_body
cached parser methods for _parse_table, _parse_navi, _parse_body.
__PACKAGE__->mk_cached_parser(qw(table navi body));
=item _parse_table
# subclass
sub _parse_table {
my $this = shift;
return $this->SUPER::_parse_table(@_) if @_ == 1; # overridable
my %options = @_;
return main table.
sub _parse_table {
my $this = shift;
my $part = $this->parse_extract_parts(shift);
return () unless defined $part;
# split to each tables
return $part;
=item _split_tables
# subclass
sub _split_tables {
my ($this, $part) = @_;
my @tables = /(...)/g;
# set tables
$this->cache->{tables} = \@tables;
# set indecies to tables...
$this->cache->{indecies}->{title} = 0;
$this->cache->{indecies}->{navi} = 1;
$this->cache->{indecies}->{body} = 2;
split main tables to some parts.
sub _split_tables {
my ($this, $part) = @_;
my $maybe_attrs_regex = $this->regex_parts->{html_maybe_attrs};
my @tables = $this->extract_balanced_html_parts(
element => 'table',
text => $part);
$this->cache->{tables} = \@tables;
$this->cache->{indecies}->{title} = 0;
if (@tables > 2) {
# remove no-need footer
$this->cache->{indecies}->{navi} = 1;
$this->cache->{indecies}->{body} = 2;
} else {
$this->cache->{indecies}->{body} = 1;
=item parse_table_item_with_index
# call from subclass
sub _parse_foo {
my ($this, %options) = @_;
my $part = $this->parse_table_item_with_index(0);
return () unless defined $part;
# ...
return $1;
return split part with index. (maybe useless)
sub parse_table_item_with_index {
my $this = shift;
return $this->cache->{tables}->[shift];
=item parse_table_item
# call from subclass
sub _parse_body {
my ($this, %options) = @_;
my $part = $this->parse_table_item('body');
return () unless defined $part;
# ...
return $1;
return split part with keyword.
sub parse_table_item {
my $this = shift;
my $index = $this->cache->{indecies}->{+shift};
if (defined $index) {
return $this->cache->{tables}->[$index];
=item parse_table_items
# call from subclass
my $table_count = $this->parse_table_items;
return split parts count. (maybe useless)
sub parse_table_items {
my $this = shift;
return scalar @{$this->cache->{tables}};
sub _parse_navi {
my $this = shift;
my $part = $this->parse_table_item('navi');
return () unless defined $part;
my $maybe_attrs_regex = $this->regex_parts->{html_maybe_attrs};
my $non_metas_regex = $this->regex_parts->{non_metas};
my $regex = qr|
return () unless $part =~ m/$regex/;
$this->_parse_navi_link('prev', $1, $2) if defined $1;
$this->_parse_navi_link('next', $4, $5) if defined $4;
my $navi_cache = $this->cache->{navi}->{current} = {};
$navi_cache->{subject} = $3;
if ($3 =~ /(\d+)\D+(\d+)/) {
$navi_cache->{start} = $1;
$navi_cache->{end} = $2;
return $this->cache->{navi};
=item _parse_navi_link
# call from subclass
my %datas = $this->_parse_navi_link('current', 'href="..."', 'next page');
standard navigation link parser.
sub _parse_navi_link {
my ($this, $genre, $attr, $value) = @_;
my $link = $this->html_anchor_to_uri($attr);
my $data = $this->cache->{navi}->{$genre} = {
link => $link,
$data->{subject} = $this->rewrite($value);
if ($value =~ /(\d+)/) {
$data->{count} = $1;
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Topia E<lt>topia@clovery.jpE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2005 by Topia.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.