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NAME - catalyst starter that tries to know better than you


This app and its module is version 0.9.1

SYNOPSIS -n MyCatApp [options]

  --TT         Adds a C::View::TT component, defaults to
  --JSON       Adds a C::View::JSON component, defaults to
  --dsn        Specify a dsn for a model
  --model      Set model name. Default: name . "DB"
  --schema     Schema class. Default: name . "::Schema"
  a lot more, see --usage, --man, --help


This script starts a new catalyst project. It uses that comes with Catalyst::Runtime to do the dirty work.

Furthermore it optionally does zero or more of the following:

  • Adds a TT view, see --TT. Also see --views which is short for doing both TT and JSON.

  • Adds a JSON view, see --JSON

  • Adds a HTML5 template. Currently a twitter bootstrap template from

  • Adds a model with a schema. If not spesified, they get default names. Note:


    Only ever does DBIC::Schema models. Do not use this if you use other types of models.


    Always uses create=static to create schema files. Do not create a model with this tool if you don't mean to create schema files. Also requires a working db connection somewhere that contains at least one sql schema.


-[-]n[ame] [=] <name>

Name of catalyst app, what you would otherwise specify like this: name


-[-]TT [=] [<HTML>]

Add a Catalyst::View::TT view, defaults to YourApp::View::HTML.

In addition to defaults created with Catalyst::Helper it will also be configured with:

    WRAPPER => 'wrapper.tt2',

The ::HTML part of the package name can be changed by giving the argument a value, ie --TT MyView would create YourApp::View::MyView instead.

The 'YourApp::View::' part of the package name is automatic and unchangable here.

Also touches root/index.tt2 and root/wrapper.tt2. If wrapper.tt2 is empty it inserts [% content %] in it.

-[-]JSON [=] [<JSON>]

Add a Catalyst::View::JSON view, defaults to YourApp::View::JSON. The same rules and options applies as to --TT

In addition to any defaults set by Catalyst::Helper, it also configures:

    export_stash => [ qw(json) ],

This means that only data in $c->stash->{json} will be included in output. Remove this config line afterwards if you do not want it.

-[-]html5 | -[-]h5

Set up a html5 template with twitter bootstrap and jquery downloaded from

When downloaded it fills root/wrapper.tt2 with content from the index.html from and inserts [% content %] and puts sample input in root/index.tt2.


Short hand for saying --TT and --JSON with default names

-[-]model [=] [<modelname>]

Package name to use for your model. If modelname not specified, defaults to the catalyst name and "DB", ie "CatNameDB"

You can also put a dsn in here. It will then be reassigned to the --dsn option, and the default model name will be used.

Note, *only* does DBIC::Schema. Do not use any of the model logic if you do not want a DBIC::Schema model.

-[-]schema [=] <SchemaClass>

The name of the schema class to go with the dbic model. Defaults to CatName::Schema, where CatName is the name of the catalyst app.

-[-]dsn [=] <dsn>

A DSN to set up a db connection for one model in your catalyst app.

If user and pass are not specified it will try the dsn without credentials. Expects connection to succeed.

Important: Will set --model and --schema with default names unless they are also specified. Default names currently are CatNameDB and CatName::Schema.


Checks and corrects the dsn input

Fixes case of known drivers, adds missing leading dbi:, tries to verify and correct sqlite file paths, checks that hostnames can be resolved


If set, will look in ~/.pgpass to complete dbi information.

Will currently only suplement the dsn if it finds a matching database name.

It will set --dbuser and --dbpass as spropriate unless they are set.

-[-]dbuser [=] <dbuser>

Username for the db connection.

-[-]dbpass [=] <dbpass>

Db for the db connection.


Causes it to look through $HOME/.pgpass for credentials for postgresql connections.


Run all tests when done

-[-]debug | -d

Set debug level for logging.

Currently there is no other interface to log level.


Run more verbosely - shows stdout on all system calls made. Stderr is always shown.

--version | -V

Prints version



Error message here, perhaps with %s placeholders

[Description of error here]

Another error message here

[Description of error here]

[Et cetera, et cetera]


App::CatalystStarter::Bloated requires no configuration files or environment variables.




None reported.


No bugs have been reported.

Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at


Torbjørn Lindahl <>


Copyright (c) 2014, Torbjørn Lindahl <>. All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.