jQluster::Server - jQluster tranport server independent of underlying connection implementation


my @logs = ();
my $server = jQluster::Server->new(
    logger => sub {  ## OPTIONAL
        my ($level, $msg) = @_;
        push(@logs, [$level, $msg]);

    unique_id => "global unique ID for the connection",
    message => $registration_message,
    sender => sub {
        my ($message) = @_;




This is an experimental module for the experimental jQluster project. jQluster project is still in progress. I will update the document when it's ready.

jQluster::Server accepts connections from jQluster client nodes, receives messages from these nodes and distributes the messages to appropriate destination nodes.

jQluster::Server is independent of connection implementations. It just tells the destination connection's sender routine that it has incoming messages to the connection.


$server = jQluster::Server->new(%args)

The constructor. Fields in %args are:

logger => CODE (optional, default: log nothing)

A subroutine reference that is called when the $server wants to log something.

The $logger is called like

$logger->($level, $message)

where $level is a log level string such as "info", "warning", "error" etc. $message is the log message string.



Register a new jQluster connection to a client node.

Fields in %args are:

unique_id => ID (mandatory)

The ID for the new connection. The ID must be unique within the $server. If you try to register an ID that is already registered, it croaks.

message => jQluster MESSAGE HASH (mandatory)

A jQluster message for registration. The message is usually created by a jQluster client node.

sender => CODE (mandatory)

A subroutine reference that is called when the $server sends a message to this connection.

The $sender is called like


where $jqluster_message is a jQluster message object. It's a plain hash-ref. It's up to the $sender how to deliver the message to the client node.


Distirbute the given jQluster message to destination nodes.

$message is a jQluster message object. It's a plain hash-ref.


Unregister a connection to a client node.

$unique_id is the unique ID you give when calling register() method. If $unique_id is not registered, it does nothing.


Toshio Ito toshioito [at]