Net::Socket::NonBlock - Perl extension for easy creation multi-socket single-thread application, especially non-forking TCP servers


# TCP port forwarder with logging
# Works on Win32!

use Net::Socket::NonBlock;

my $LocalPort   = shift
	or die "Usage: $0 <LocalPort> <RemoteHost:RemotePort>\n";
my $RemoteHost  = shift
	or die "Usage: $0 <LocalPort> <RemoteHost:RemotePort>\n";

my $SockNest = Net::Socket::NonBlock->new(SelectT  => 0.05,
                                          SilenceT => 60,
	or die "Error creating sockets nest: $@\n";

# Autoflush on
$| = 1;

$SockNest->Listen(LocalPort      => $LocalPort,
                  Proto          => 'tcp',
                  Accept         => \&NewConnection,
                  SilenceT => 0,
                  Listen         => 10,)
	or die "Could not listen on port \"$LocalPort\": $@\n";

my %ConPool = ();

	my $Pstr = '';
	my $ClnSock = undef;
	my $SrvSock = undef;
	while (($ClnSock, $SrvSock) = each(%ConPool))
		my $Str = undef;
		my $ClientID = sprintf("%15.15s:%-5.5s", $SockNest->PeerAddr($ClnSock), $SockNest->PeerPort($ClnSock));
		while(($Str = $SockNest->Read($ClnSock)) && length($Str))
			$Pstr .= "  $ClientID CLIENT ".SafeStr($Str)."\n";
			$SockNest->Puts($SrvSock, $Str);
		if (!defined($Str))
			$Pstr .= "  $ClientID CLIENT closed\n"; 
		while(($Str = $SockNest->Read($SrvSock)) && length($Str))
			$Pstr .= "  $ClientID SERVER ".SafeStr($Str)."\n";
			$SockNest->Puts($ClnSock, $Str);
		if (!defined($Str))
			$Pstr .= "  $ClientID SERVER closed\n"; 
	if (length($Pstr))
		{ print localtime()."\n".$Pstr; };

sub NewConnection
	my $ClnSockID = $_[0];

	$ConPool{$ClnSockID} = $SockNest->Connect(PeerAddr => $RemoteHost,
	                                          Proto    => 'tcp',);
	if (!defined($ConPool{$ClnSockID}))
		warn "Can not connect to \"$RemoteHost\": $@\n";

	return 1;


This module provides simple way to work with number of non-blocking sockets. It hides most of routine operations with IO::Socket::INET, IO::Select and provides you the asynchronous Input-Output functions.

Module was designed as a part of a multi-connection SMTP relay for WinNT platform.

The Net::Socket::NonBlock methods


The new method creates the SocketsNest object and returns a handle to it. This handle is then used to call the methods below.

The SocketsNest itself is the table contains socket handlers, InOut buffers, etc. SocketsNest also contain a IO::Select object which is common for all sockets in SocketsNest.

To create new socket you will have to use Listen or Connect methods (see below). Also, socket could be created automatically during TCP connection accept procedure inside of IO method.

The %PARAMHASH could contain the following keys:


SelectT is the timeout for IO::Select->can_read and IO::Select->can_write function. See IO::Select for details. Default is 0.1 second.


If no data was transferred trough socket for SilenceT seconds the socket will be closed. Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour). If SilenceT = 0 socket will nether been closed by timeout.

This value is the default for all sockets created by Listen or Connect method if another value will not be provided in Listen or Connect parameters. Also, you will be able to change this parameter for any socket in nest using Properties method (see below).


The size of buffer for IO::Socket::INET->recv function (see IO::Socket::INET). Default if POSIX::BUFSIZ (see POSIX).

This is default for all sockets which will be created and could be overwritten by Listen, Connect or Properties.


By default, socket become to be unavailable for read not immediately after close request or IO error but after all data from incoming buffer will be read. Also, by default all data which was written to output buffer before socket close request will be flushed to socket before actual closing. You are able to change this behaviour by set the InstDeath parameter to 'true' value. In this case the socket will be closed immediately after request, all data in input and output buffer will be lost.

This is default for all sockets which will be created and could be overwritten by Listen, Connect or Properties.


The most important method :) This method performs actual socket input-output, accept incoming connection, close sockets, etc. You have to call it periodically, as frequently as possible.

IO always returns 1.


If $Timeout is not specified the SelectT method returns a current value of SelectT.

If $Timeout is specified the SelectT method set the SelectT to the provided value and returns a previous one.

The Net::Socket::NonBlock methods for manipulating sockets


The Listen method create new socket listening on LocalAddr:LocalPort.

The Listen take the same list of arguments as IO::Socket::INET->new. The Proto key is required. If Proto = 'tcp' the Accept key is also required. The Accept key must contain the pointer to the external accept function provided by you.

When the new connection will be detected by listening TCP socket the new socket will be created by IO::Socket::INET->accept function. After that the external Accept function will be called with just one parameter: the ID for the new socket. External Accept have to return true value otherwise new socket will be closed and connection will be rejected.

Listen method returns the SocketID, the symbolic name which have to be used for work with particular socket in nest using Gets, Puts, Recv and Properties methods. In case of problems Listen returns undef value. $@ will contain a error message.


The Connect method create new socket connected to PeerAddr:PeerPort.

The Connect take the same list of arguments as IO::Socket::INET->new. The Proto key is required.

Connect method returns the SocketID, the symbolic name which have to be used for work with particular socket in nest using Gets, Puts, Recv and Properties methods. In case of problems Connect returns undef value. $@ will contain a error message.

Important note

Listen and Connect are synchronous. So if connection establishing take a long time - for eaxmple because of slow DNS resolving - your program will be frozen for a long time.

Gets($SocketID, [$MaxLength]);

For TCP sockets the Gets method returns a string received from corresponding socket. "String" means (.*\n).

If data is available for reading but "\n" is not presented in first $MaxLength bytes, the $MaxLength bytes will be returned.

For non-TCP sockets the Gets works with blocks of data read from socket by single IO::Socket::INET->recv call. It is necessary to provide correct PeerAddr and PeerPort. So, if "\n" found in the block and length of string is no more than $MaxLength, the string will be returned. If no "\n" found in the block and block length is no more than $MaxLength, the whole block will be returned. If string is too long or block is too big, $MaxLength bytes will be returned.

Default $MaxLength is socket BiffSize. $MaxLength for Gets have to be no more than 32766. It will be adjusted automaticaly otherwise.

If no data available for reading, Gets returns empty string.

If socket closed or $SocketID is invalid Gets returns undef.

In list context method returns an array of 3 elements: [0] - string as in scalar context [1] - PeerAddr [2] - PeerPort

Note: Gets is not reading data from the socket but takes it from special buffer filled by IO method with data read from socket during last call.

If you did not read all the data available in buffer new data will be appended to the end of buffer.

Recv($SocketID, [$MaxLength]);

For TCP sockets the Recv method returns all data available from corresponding socket if data length is no more than $MaxLength. Otherwise $MaxLength bytes returned.

For non-TCP sockets the Recv works with blocks of data read from socket by single IO::Socket::INET->recv call. It is necessary to provide correct PeerAddr and PeerPort. So, if block length is no more than $MaxLength, the whole block will be returned. If block is too big, $MaxLength bytes will be returned.

Default $MaxLength is socket BiffSize.

If no data available for reading, Recv returns empty string.

If socket is closed or $SocketID is invalid Recv returns undef.

In list context method returns an array of 3 elements: [0] - string as in scalar context [1] - PeerAddr [2] - PeerPort

Note: Recv is not reading data from the socket but takes it from special buffer filled by IO method.

Read($SocketID, [$MaxLength]);

This method is little bit eclectic but I found it's useful.

If string "\n" is presented in the buffer this method will act as Gets method. Otherwise it will act as Recv.

$MaxLength for Read have to be no more than 32766. It will be adjusted automaticaly otherwise.

Puts($SocketID, $Data, $PeerAddr, $PeerPort);

The Puts method puts data to the corresponding socket outgoing buffer.

$PeerAddr:$PeerPort pair is the destination which $Data must be sent. If not specified these fields will be taken from socket properties. $PeerAddr:$PeerPort will be ignored on TCP sockets.

If socket closed or $SocketID is invalid Recv returns undef. Otherwise it returns 1.

Note: Puts is not writing data directly to the socket but puts it to the special buffer which will be flushed to socket by IO method during next call.

Send($SocketID, $Data);

Just a synonym for Puts.


For TCP sockets the PeerAddr method returns the IP address which is socket connected to or empty string for listening sockets.

For non-TCP sockets the PeerAddr method returns the IP address which was used for sending last time or IP address which is corresponding to data read by last Gets or Recv call.

If socket closed or $SocketID is invalid PeerAddr returns undef.


For TCP sockets the PeerPort method returns the IP address which is socket connected to or empty string for listening sockets. undef

For non-TCP sockets the PeerPort method returns the port which was used for sending last time or port which is corresponding to data read by last Gets or Recv call.

If socket closed or $SocketID is invalid PeerPort returns undef.


The LocalAddr method returns the IP address for this end of the socket connection.

If socket closed or $SocketID is invalid LocalAddr returns undef.


The LocalPort method returns the IP address for this end of the socket connection.

If socket closed or $SocketID is invalid LocalPort returns undef.


The Handle method returns the handle to the IO::Socket::INET object associated with $SocketID or undef if $SocketID is invalid or socket closed.

Properties($SocketID, [%PARAMHASH]);

The Properties method returns the hash in list context or pointer to the hash in scalar context. Hash itself is containing socket properties which are:


The handle to the socket associated with $SocketID. Read-only.


The length of data in buffer waiting to be read by Gets or Recv. Read-only.


The length of data in buffer waiting for sending to the socket. Read-only.


The number of bytes which was received from socket. Read-only.


The number of bytes which was sent out to socket. Read-only.


The socket creation time as was returned by time(). Read-only.


The socket time when socket was sending or receiving data last time. Read-only.


The value is the same as returned by PeerAddr method. Read-only.


The value is the same as returned by PeerPort method. Read-only.


The value is the same as returned by LocalAddr method. Read-only.


The value is the same as returned by LocalPort method. Read-only.


If no data was sent to or received from socket for SilenceT the socket will be closed.


The size of buffer for IO::Socket::INET->recv function.


The current state of instant death flag. See new for details.


The pointer to the external Accept function. See Listen for details.

The following parameters could be changed if new value will be provided in the %PARAMHASH:


Note: you will be able to set Accept property only for TCP listening sockets.


Put the "close" request for the socket $SocketID. The actual removing will be done by IO method during next call.

Remember: it is important to call Close for all socket which have to be removed even they become to be unavailable because of send() or recv() error.


Just change all dangerous symbols (\x00-\x1F and \xFF) in a string to their hexadecimal codes and returns the updated string. Nothing relative to sockets but can be very usefull for logging pourposes




Daniel Podolsky, <>


IO::Socket::INET, IO::Select.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1216:

'=item' outside of any '=over'