A list of things to do for WordNet Similarity.


As these items are completed, move them down into Recently Completed Items, make sure to date and initial. When we have a version release, all of the recently completed items should be moved into changelog.pod.


  • Standardize "path to wordnet" handling. utilities should have an option to specify the path, and then if it is not go through the same looking procedure. and *, for example, do this somewhat differently. Let's standardize, maybe even putting into a module.

  • re-write * programs to reduce redundancy and make faster. At present there are bugs in all of these programs. Create test cases that are manually verified and included in testing directory.

  • The leather_carp mystery: leather_carp occurs 3 times in the BNC. It has only one sense, and it is a leaf node. By all rights both standard and resnik counting should agree. They do not, standard counting seems to overcount by a factor of 2.

  • 6412325 is the synset for i in wordnet.

    ic-brown-add1.dat:6412325n 10497
    ic-brown.dat:6412325n 10496
    ic-brown-resnik-add1.dat:6412325n 1750.33333333357

    there are three senses of 'i' in wordnet. Why isn't the count in the last line 3498.6. The count shown suggests that i has 6 senses, which it doesn't...[TDP 12/28/03 - the overcounting shown in the leather_carp problem suggests that the resnik count above *might* be correct. 1750.3 * 3 = 5251 - if that is the number of occurrences of i in the brown corpus, then the resnik count is fine. The overcounting still exists in the standard method however.

  • run test case for Use a single word in a file (like I), and make sure that default and resnik counting work as expected. Ted ran a test case where the only word in the file was "I" (with no stop list) and the counts were all 2 (both at leaf and up to ROOT). The same occurred with and will presumably affect all the programs.

  • improve error handling in *** programs, such that if they do not get the input they require they issue an error message and do not run endlessly.

  • support --trace option on info content programs to allow for wps format to be displayed in addition to (or instead of?) offset.

  • run profiles of and to determine where time is being spent. Brown, SemCor and Treebank all seem to run reasonably quickly (20 minutes, 5 minutes, and 40 minutes, respectively). Run 1 million words worth of BNC in order to compare with Brown and Treebank.

  • runs really slowly. It may have to do with the fact that raw text has no markup in the text to identify sentence boundaries or otherwise guide the programs. This might particularly slow down compound identification.

  • Makefile.PL and seem to be somewhat alike. Can Makefile.PL simply call /utils/, or can this duplication be avoided in some other way?

  • update documentation to warn users that programs convert text to lower case (verify that this is true for and that stoplists must also be all lowercase.


  • speed up lesk, and make it more generic. string matching is the big offender with respect to speed, and wordnet specific stuff is the problem with respect to generality.

  • update lesk/vector to support new relations in WordNet 2.0


  • update hso to support new relations in WordNet 2.0

  • update hso to support the use of a hypothetical root node. Currently (as of version 0.06 and 0.07) its paths (for hypernyms) are limited to a particular taxonomy. This might be problematic when it comes to nouns, which are split into 9(?) separate taxonomies within wordnet. And of course verbs are split into hundreds of taxonomies. Right now when hso is on a hypernym path it isn't able to cross "up and over". Seems like it should be able to do so.


  • re-write hso to make it faster and more generic. check to see if hso uses hypo root node, and consider adding ability to turn on/off.


  • edge/path and jcn are both distance measures. To convert them to similarity measures, we currently use 1/distance. This shifts the scale of the measures and changes the relative distance between pairs. Alternatives are to use -dist or maxdist-dist. Computation of maxdist for path is much like computation for lch (with and without hypo root node). for jcn it poses a new issue, in that we would need to find the pair of concepts that had the greatest individual information content, and are subsumed by a root node (either hypo or "real").

  • store WN version in vector DB file and warn when version is different

  • check if warnings are issued when there are version clashes between info content files and wordnet version.

  • Is it possible to have a default value for vectordb? This is the Berkeley DB file used by It is created from the WordNet glosses, and is required for vector to run. If vectordb is not specified, or if the option is specified without a value, vector will fail. (Sid is pursuing this.)


  • 03/23/2004

    1. In lch, the max depth of the tree (when the hypo root node is off) should be the root to which the lcs in the shortest path attaches. If the lcs has multiple roots, it should use the depth of the root that is "closest" to the lcs. This suggests that lch should use getLCSDepth rather than getShortestPath. (we handle this slightly differently than is described here, see the "Discussion" section in the lch documentation)

    2. In /t, save diff files between 0.06 and 0.07. Make sure to run diff tests for path/0.07 and edge/0.06.

  • 03/16/2004

    1. make sure that every .pm and .pl file has the same GNU copyleft language. Use as a template.

    2. make sure that documentation is clear that vector and lesk require different format relation files (ie they are not interchangeable).

    3. convert README into a series of pod documents in doc directory. In the intro.pod, provide a table of contents like structure (much like perldoc perl does).

      Make sure that each pod documents follows the cpan style (name, synopsis, etc.) This should be true of any pod documentation in the package.

    4. Modify INSTALL to describe local install correctly. In particular, the description of how to do a 'use lib' or -I may need adjustment.

  • 03/13/2004

    1. developers.pod should be a tutorial that explains how to create a new measure. It should take the reader through a complete example, such as creating a measure that returns the sum of the information content of the concpets found in the shortest path between two concepts. This should include an example of how to use all of the available configuration options, and also adding a new one.

  • 03/12/2004

    1. Make developers.pod into a self contained document that provides a step by step tutorial on how to write a measure of relatedness. The file NewStats.txt in NSP provides an example of the style of presentation that is expected.

  • 03/11/2004

    1. document measure modules (,, etc.) with information about effect of hypo root node. (Take discussion from email explaining why it has an effect, and why it doesn't have an effect) and make it a part of the .pm perldoc. This will eventually be used in thesis writing, so it should be complete and detailed. Of particular important is the behavior of, but all of the modules should have their expected behaviour with and without the hypo root node clearly documented. Also, you should note what the behavior was in 0.06 for both nouns and verbs, and if this has changed.

  • 03/09/2004

    1. does not yet support not having a hypo root. Remember that the lack of hypo root will change (potentially) the max path length found for each taxonomy.

  • 03/08/2004

    1. depth finding code should be contained with We should not do any depth finding on the fly, rather that should all be precomputed (like we do info content). That includes the depth of individual concepts, and the max depths of taxonomies.

    2. When encounters two or more paths to the root, the trace output "condenses" those paths into a single path. It would be better to show all paths in the trace (as res does, for example). Also, make sure that the depth reported in such cases is always the minimum (shortest path to root).

  • 03/05/2004

    1. Modify wnDepths such that it shows both the depths of individual concepts, as well as the max distance from a root node. In the case of multiple inheritance, wndepths should show the depth of the concept in each case, and also the relevant root node. wnDepths should sort these depths from shortest to longest. The output of wndepths should be formatted like infocontent.dat, anticipating an eventual merger.

  • 03/02/2004

    1. in docs, update/replace current discussion of modules. Include example usage as well. Make sure that path length is clearly defined for lch, edge, and wup.

  • 02/25/2004

    1. In,,, and each function should be documented in perldoc form such that their input, output and basic functionality is described. This should then appear in the DESCRIPTION portion of the perldoc. The SYNOPSIS should contain examples or templates of each function being used.

  • 02/23/2004

    1. redo random pairs testing such that we have 60 noun-noun pairs, 25 verb-verb pairs, and 15 mixed pairs.

  • 02/20/2004

    1. Revisit the distance versus similarity issue in It maybe be that simply inverting the distance is too extreme a solution. One possibility is to make it a linear transformation via maxdist - dist instead. (JM - we'll stick with inverting the distance, but added a discussion of this issue to the documentation)

  • 02/18/2004

    1. document all multiple inheritance issues that are being handled for measures.

  • 02/16/2004

    1. validateSynset should check wps format fairly closely, and issue descriptive errors if the wps is ill formed. Words can apparently be about anything (except #) but pos should be lower case nvra, and senses should be digits. Error messages should point out which field is the problem, or if there are too few or too many fields.

    2. place all hypo root handling node code in The measures should not have any hypo root handling code in them.

    3. should include a function that returns all paths between two concepts, their length, and their "tops" (the candidate LCSs). This should be used as the main source of input for the getLCS* functions, and for getShortestPath.

    4. remove all "input verifcation" code from the measures. That should be inherited from

    5. There is replicated code in the measure modules that checks validity of input. This should be removed to a common module that can be called by all of the measures. Any other replicated code should be removed as well. The goal of 0.07 is to largely eliminate replicated code via the use of inheritance, and to make the writing of new measures simpler.

  • 02/13/2004

    1. add pod/perldoc to lib/ Should also be done for all other files as they are modified for other reasons. In particular, introductory material that appears in source code comments, author information, GPL, etc. should be moved into pod and removed from source code comments. See for an example.

    2. path should use getShortestPath from

  • 02/09/2004

    1. getLCSDepth, getLCSInfo, getLCSPath should appear in, which should inherit from both ICFinder and Pathfiner.

    2. The measures (lch, path, jcn, lin, res, wup) should default to having the hypo root node turned on (for both nouns and verbs). This will eventually be true of hso, but is not currently. hypo root nodes could also be used for lesk and vector, although they are not currently.

  • 02/04/2004

    1. Wps and offsets will be supported internally. The user can request either mode via an option to getRelatedness. offset is our default. profiling has shown wps to be somewhat faster, in that it makes fewer calls to getSense, although it does make some. For input, we only support wps. For trace output we support wps and offset. For output we support wps and offset.

  • 01/29/2004

    1. modify option in config files such that an option without a value reverts to the default in all cases (except vectordb).

  • 01/24/2004

    1. Provide support for undefined values in the path finding and info content measures (path, wup, lch, res, lin, jcn). If two concepts are not in the same taxonomy then an error should be issued and a large negative integer should be returned. This can occur in two cases, between the same part of speech (noun-noun, verb-verb), or between nouns and verbs. Distinct error messsages should be indicated in both cases.

  • 01/20/2004

    1. Clean up configuration file examples (in samples). Make them consistent by having a master list (all-options.conf) that is what we make changes to. Then specific example files can be created via copy and paste. Make sure all possible options for a measure are included, and that the explanations describe all possible values as well as default handling. (TDP updated all-options.conf on 12/10/03, use this as source of cut and paste).

  • 01/19/2004

    1. Create test scripts that can be run to verify the correctness of output - they should include "correct" answers that can be compared to (automatically) and rerun as the system changes. We should use the CPAN module Test::More, and create .t files in a /t directory that test specific situations/problems, etc. The .t files themselves should be documented with an explanation of what is being tested. We should have lots of smaller, specific .t tests (rather than a few big test files). Whenever a bug is found and fixed, a .t file should be created that tests the fix, and this should be mentioned in the source code comments where the fix is made (this fix is tested by t/xyz.t).

      Make sure that the testing system can be easily extended/modified, and that it can support the use of multiple input files and configuration files. We should have multiple *.t files to run our tests, and each module and utility should have at least its own *.t file (maybe more than one in some cases). We should also have *.t files that are dedicated to particular situations that affect a number of measures (like what happens when info content is zero for one concept, what happens if one of the concepts being compared is the lcs of the other, what if the two concepts are the same (self similarity), and so forth.

    2. Test cases for configuration file handling should include:

      repeated options in configuration file, as in trace::0 trace::1

      bad values in configuration file, as in trace::nothankyou

      bad options in configuration file, as in tracer::0

    3. Test cases for should include:

      ill formed file input for, as in cat#dog#1 cat#n#2 cat#n#n cat#n#2 cat

    4. Test cases for measures should include:

      show that wps and offset methods of path finding are equivalent

      check trace output for each of the measures. use wps format, as that is subject to fewer changes than offsets.

      a "big" file of word pairs (maybe 100 pairs) that run all the measures and compare values to what is obtained in 0.6. If there are differences, let's see what they are.

    5. Test cases for information content programs should include:

      an information content file based on one of our resident text files that is large enough to be interesting (readme, gpl, etc.) as computed in 0.6/0.7 (should be the same). This can be used as a reference point when we make changes in future.

      Information content computed with a very small number of concepts, to expose the counting problem that ted mentions below.

    6. Test cases for wnDepth...

      Generate output for 0.07 to use as a point of reference. A few specific manual checks would be good too (leather_carp, entity, etc.)

    7. run tests to determine where the system now provides different results from version 0.06 - make sure to document these cases (that are different).

  • 01/12/2004

    1. document configuration options extensively in a separate pod called doc/config.pod. Organize such that you have options that are used with all measures, and then those that are used with certain classes of measures. Then, use this as a master copy to update .pm files with.

  • 01/09/2004

    1. modify option handling such that multiple occurrences of an option in a config file cause an error. For example


      should cause an error.

  • 12/17/2003

    1. and need to be renamed. They are now called and counts without sense tags and counts the sense tags. (TDP)

  • 12/09/2003

    1. In cache error strings that indicate that two input synsets are from different parts of speech so that we only print out a warning once for each unique word1#pos1 word2#pos2 combination (JM)

    2. a

      Enhance file handling (for input files). Comments should be allowed - this will help in creation of test data (we can explain in the comment what "case" is being tested by a particular set of pairs. Use standard perl commenting style line starting with a # is a comment. Note that I don't think we can use the convention of # anywhere in a line as being the start of a comment (due to w#p#s) but I think any line that starts with a # can be safely treated as a comment. (JM -- we are using // to indicated the start of a comment)


      Enhance file handling (for input files). At present if a single word (not a pair) appears on a line, no error is issued. It silently ignores this case. This should result in an error to the effect that the input format is invalid, only one word. Also, I'm not sure what happens if you have more than two words on a line. An error of some sort would also be necessary in that case. Also, I am not sure if checks to see that the words pairs are "well formed", that is to say do they adhere to the word, word#pos, or word#pos#number format. It would be good to have a simple check that verifies we have alphanumeric words, pos of n, v, a, or r, and numeric numbers. (JM)

  • 12/08/2003

    1. Clean up configuration file examples (in samples). Make them consistent by having a master list (all-options.conf) that is what we make changes to. Then specific example files can be created via copy and paste. Make sure all possible options for a measure are included, and that the explanations describe all possible values as well as default handling. (JM) (TDP updated all-options.conf on 12/10/03, use this as source of cut and paste).

    2. Determine if it is feasible (not too difficult or time consuming) to modify --version option so it can display both the version of and the version of the module used when --type is specified. (JM -- version will show module version as well if a module is specified)

  • 12/05/2003

    1. all configuration options are now printed to traceString after module initialization. (JM)

    2. explain the distinction between compounds and collocations raised in sample README. (Drop the distinction, and clarify what we mean by Wordnet compounds. TDP Dec 3). (JM)

  • 12/04/2003

    1. document caching for random (normally random uses an unlimited cache size) (JM -- random now uses the same default as all other measures)

    2. determine a reasonable default cache size. Should not be unlimited. Current default is 1000, maybe it can be increased to 5000 or 10000. Let lesk with trace be the standard as to what is reasonable. (JM -- default is now 5,000).

    3. Improve error handling when processing config files. Make sure the values specified are valid and that filenames refer to extant files. All options should allow the value to be omitted, in which case the default is used. (JM)

  • 12/03/2003

    1. Clean up configuration file examples (in samples). Make them consistent by having a master list (all-options.conf) that is what we make changes to. Then specific example files can be created via copy and paste. Make sure all possible options for a measure are included, and that the explanations describe all possible values as well as default handling. (JM) (TDP 12/07/03, not quite finished).

  • 12/02/2003

    1. Make vector complain if it cannot find a relation file. (JM-this is not a problem, vector uses glosexample if there is no relation file)

  • 12/01/2003

    1. Adjust Makefile.PL to account for new contents of samples directory. Added entries to MANIFEST as well. JM 12/1/03

    2. update samples/ to run with the new files (and organization) provided in the samples directory. This was also a problem in 0.06, where it did not run for hso properly due to a mismatch in the name specified in and the configuration file.

    3. Rename infocontent.dat in Makefile.PL to use our standard name for semcor information content files. Name should reflect options used in computing information content values (if any). JM 12/1/03

    4. relation.dat is in lib/WordNet. Should be referred to as lesk-relation.dat. Should also have vector-relation.dat I would think. (if not, what does vector do?). JM 12/1/03 (vector doesn't try finding a default relation file--it fails silently).

    5. /sample/vector-relation.dat is wrong. Calls itself LeskRelationFile. JM 12/1/03

    6. In intro.pod, provide instruction on how to convert to html or whatever if user wishes (just point them to documentation that describes this elsewhere even). JM 12/1/03

  • 11/28/2003

    1. remove wordnet 1.7.1 compounds from samples directory. (TDP)

    2. change comment in to explain the pluses and minuses of using/not using a unique root node. (JM)


Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Siddharth Patwardhan, Ted Pedersen, and Jason Michelizzi.






Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Siddharth Patwardhan, Ted Pedersen, and Jason Michelizzi.

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