Compression::Util - Implementation of various techniques used in data compression.
use 5.036;
use Getopt::Std qw(getopts);
use Compression::Util qw(:all);
use constant {CHUNK_SIZE => 1 << 17};
local $Compression::Util::VERBOSE = 0;
getopts('d', \my %opts);
sub compress ($fh, $out_fh) {
while (read($fh, (my $chunk), CHUNK_SIZE)) {
print $out_fh bz2_compress($chunk);
sub decompress ($fh, $out_fh) {
while (!eof($fh)) {
print $out_fh bz2_decompress($fh);
$opts{d} ? decompress(\*STDIN, \*STDOUT) : compress(\*STDIN, \*STDOUT);
Compression::Util is a function-based module, implementing various techniques used in data compression, such as the Burrows-Wheeler transform, Move-to-front transform, Huffman Coding, Arithmetic Coding (in fixed bits), Run-length encoding, Fibonacci coding, Delta coding, LZ77/LZSS compression and LZW compression.
The provided techniques can be easily combined in various ways to create powerful compressors, such as the Bzip2 compressor, which is a pipeline of the following methods:
1. Run-length encoding (RLE4)
2. Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT)
3. Move-to-front transform (MTF)
4. Zero run-length encoding (ZRLE)
5. Huffman coding
This functionality is provided by the function bz2_compress()
, which can be explicitly implemented as:
use 5.036;
use List::Util qw(uniq);
use Compression::Util qw(:all);
my $data = do { open my $fh, '<:raw', $^X; local $/; <$fh> };
my $rle4 = rle4_encode([unpack('C*', $data)]);
my ($bwt, $idx) = bwt_encode(pack('C*', @$rle4));
my @bytes = unpack('C*', $bwt);
my @alphabet = sort { $a <=> $b } uniq(@bytes);
my $mtf = mtf_encode(\@bytes, \@alphabet);
my $rle = zrle_encode($mtf);
open my $out_fh, '>:raw', \my $enc;
print $out_fh pack('N', $idx);
print $out_fh encode_alphabet(\@alphabet);
create_huffman_entry($rle, $out_fh);
say "Original size : ", length($data);
say "Compressed size: ", length($enc);
# Decompress the result
bz2_decompress($enc) eq $data or die "decompression error";
A bit value is either 1
or 0
A bitstring is a string containing only 1s and 0s.
A byte value is an integer between 0
and 255
, inclusive.
A string means a binary (non-UTF*) string.
An array of symbols means an array of non-negative integer values.
An input filehandle is denoted by $fh
, while an output file-handle is denoted by $out_fh
The encoding of input and output file-handles must be set to :raw
create_huffman_entry(\@symbols, $fh) # Create a Huffman Coding block
decode_huffman_entry($fh) # Decode a Huffman Coding block
create_ac_entry(\@symbols, $fh) # Create an Arithmetic Coding block
decode_ac_entry($fh) # Decode an Arithmetic Coding block
create_adaptive_ac_entry(\@symbols, $fh) # Create an Adaptive Arithmetic Coding block
decode_adaptive_ac_entry($fh) # Decode an Adaptive Arithmetic Coding block
bz2_compress($string) # Bzip2-like compression (RLE4+BWT+MTF+ZRLE+Huffman coding)
bz2_decompress($fh) # Inverse of the above method
bz2_compress_symbolic(\@symbols) # Bzip2-like compression (RLE4+sBWT+MTF+ZRLE+Huffman coding)
bz2_decompress_symbolic($fh) # Inverse of the above method
lz77_compress($string) # LZ77 + DEFLATE-like encoding of indices and lengths
lz77_decompress($fh) # Inverse of the above method
lzss_compress($string) # LZSS + DEFLATE-like encoding of indices and lengths
lzss_decompress($fh) # Inverse of the above method
lzhd_compress($string) # LZ77 + Huffman coding of lengths and literals + OBH for indices
lzhd_decompress($fh) # Inverse of the above method
lzw_compress($string) # LZW + abc_encode() compression
lzw_decompress($fh) # Inverse of the above method
delta_encode(\@ints, $double=0) # Delta encoding of an array of ints
delta_decode($fh, $double=0) # Inverse of the above method
fibonacci_encode(\@symbols) # Fibonacci coding of an array of symbols
fibonacci_decode($fh) # Inverse of the above method
elias_gamma_encode(\@symbols) # Elias Gamma coding method of an array of symbols
elias_gamma_decode($fh) # Inverse of the above method
elias_omega_encode(\@symbols) # Elias Omega coding method of an array of symbols
elias_omega_decode($fh) # Inverse of the above method
abc_encode(\@symbols) # Adaptive Binary Concatenation method of an array of symbols
abc_decode($fh) # Inverse of the above method
obh_encode(\@symbols) # Offset bits + Huffman coding of an array of symbols
obh_decode($fh) # Inverse of the above method
bwt_encode($string) # Burrows-Wheeler transform
bwt_decode($bwt, $idx) # Inverse of Burrows-Wheeler transform
bwt_encode_symbolic(\@symbols) # Burrows-Wheeler transform over an array of symbols
bwt_decode_symbolic(\@bwt, $idx) # Inverse of symbolic Burrows-Wheeler transform
mtf_encode(\@symbols, \@alphabet) # Move-to-front transform
mtf_decode(\@mtf, \@alphabet) # Inverse of the above method
encode_alphabet(\@alphabet) # Encode an alphabet of symbols into a binary string
decode_alphabet($fh) # Inverse of the above method
run_length(\@symbols, $max=undef) # Run-length encoding, returning a 2D array
rle4_encode(\@symbols, $max=255) # Run-length encoding with 4 or more consecutive characters
rle4_decode(\@rle4) # Inverse of the above method
zrle_encode(\@symbols) # Run-length encoding of zeros
zrle_decode(\@zrle) # Inverse of the above method
ac_encode(\@symbols) # Arithmetic Coding applied on an array of symbols
ac_decode($bitstring, \%freq) # Inverse of the above method
adaptive_ac_encode(\@symbols) # Adaptive Arithmetic Coding applied on an array of symbols
adaptive_ac_decode($bitstring, \@alphabet) # Inverse of the above method
lzw_encode($string) # LZW encoding of a given string
lzw_decode(\@symbols) # Inverse of the above method
read_bit($fh, \$buffer) # Read one bit from file-handle
read_bits($fh, $len) # Read `$len` bits from file-handle
binary_vrl_encode($bitstring) # Binary variable run-length encoding
binary_vrl_decode($bitstring) # Binary variable run-length decoding
bwt_sort($string) # Burrows-Wheeler sorting
bwt_sort_symbolic(\@symbols) # Burrows-Wheeler sorting, applied on an array of symbols
huffman_encode(\@symbols, \%dict) # Huffman encoding
huffman_decode($bitstring, \%dict) # Huffman decoding, given a string of bits
huffman_tree_from_freq(\%freq) # Create Huffman dictionaries, given an hash of frequencies
make_deflate_tables($size) # Returns the DEFLATE tables for distance and length symbols
find_deflate_index($value, \@table) # Returns the index in a DEFLATE table, given a numerical value
lz77_encode($string) # LZ77 compression of a string into literals, indices and lengths
lzss_encode($string) # LZSS compression of a string into literals, indices and lengths
lz77_decode(\@lits, \@idxs, \@lens) # Inverse of the above two methods
deflate_encode(\@lits, \@idxs, \@lens) # DEFLATE-like encoding of values returned by lzss_encode()
deflate_decode($fh) # Inverse of the above method
create_huffman_entry(\@symbols, $out_fh); # writes to $out_fh
my $string = create_huffman_entry(\@symbols); # returns a binary string
High-level function that generates a Huffman coding block.
It takes two parameters: \@symbols
, which represents the symbols to be encoded, and $out_fh
, which is optional, and represents the file-handle where to write the result.
When the second parameter is omitted, the function returns a binary string.
my $symbols = decode_huffman_entry($fh);
my $symbols = decode_huffman_entry($string);
Inverse of create_huffman_entry()
create_ac_entry(\@symbols, $out_fh); # writes to $out_fh
my $string = create_ac_entry(\@symbols); # returns a binary string
High-level function that generates an Arithmetic Coding block.
It takes two parameters: \@symbols
, which represents the symbols to be encoded, and $out_fh
, which is optional, and represents the file-handle where to write the result.
When the second parameter is omitted, the function returns a binary string.
my $symbols = decode_ac_entry($fh);
my $symbols = decode_ac_entry($string);
Inverse of create_ac_entry()
create_adaptive_ac_entry(\@symbols, $out_fh); # writes to $out_fh
my $string = create_adaptive_ac_entry(\@symbols); # returns a binary string
High-level function that generates an Adaptive Arithmetic Coding block.
It takes two parameters: \@symbols
, which represents the symbols to be encoded, and $out_fh
, which is optional, and represents the file-handle where to write the result.
When the second parameter is omitted, the function returns a binary string.
my $symbols = decode_adaptive_ac_entry($fh);
my $symbols = decode_adaptive_ac_entry($string);
Inverse of create_adaptive_ac_entry()
# With Huffman coding
lz77_compress($data, $out_fh); # writes to file-handle
my $string = lz77_compress($data); # returns a binary string
# With Arithmetic Coding
lz77_compress($data, $out_fh, \&create_ac_entry); # writes to file-handle
my $string = lz77_compress($data, undef, \&create_ac_entry); # returns a binary string
High-level function that performs LZ77 (Lempel-Ziv 1977) compression on the provided data, using the pipeline:
1. lz77_encode
2. deflate_encode
It takes a single parameter, $data
, representing the data string to be compressed.
# With Huffman coding
lzss_compress($data, $out_fh); # writes to file-handle
my $string = lzss_compress($data); # returns a binary string
# With Arithmetic Coding
lzss_compress($data, $out_fh, \&create_ac_entry); # writes to file-handle
my $string = lzss_compress($data, undef, \&create_ac_entry); # returns a binary string
High-level function that performs LZSS (Lempel-Ziv-Storer-Szymanski) compression on the provided data, using the pipeline:
1. lzss_encode
2. deflate_encode
It takes a single parameter, $data
, representing the data string to be compressed.
lz77_decompress / lzss_decompress
# Writing to file-handle
lzss_decompress($fh, $out_fh);
lzss_decompress($string, $out_fh);
# Writing to file-handle (does Arithmetic decoding)
lzss_decompress($fh, $out_fh, \&decode_ac_entry);
lzss_decompress($string, $out_fh, \&decode_ac_entry);
# Returning the results
my $data = lzss_decompress($fh);
my $data = lzss_decompress($string);
# Returning the results (does Arithmetic decoding)
my $data = lzss_decompress($fh, undef, \&decode_ac_entry);
my $data = lzss_decompress($string, undef, \&decode_ac_entry);
Inverse of lzss_compress()
and lz77_compress()
# With Huffman coding
lzhd_compress($data, $out_fh); # writes to file-handle
my $string = lzhd_compress($data); # returns a binary string
# With Arithmetic Coding
lzhd_compress($data, $out_fh, \&create_ac_entry); # writes to file-handle
my $string = lzhd_compress($data, undef, \&create_ac_entry); # returns a binary string
High-level function that performs LZ77 (Lempel-Ziv 1977) compression on the provided data, using the pipeline:
1. lz77_encode
2. create_huffman_entry(literals)
3. create_huffman_entry(lengths)
4. obh_encode(indices)
It takes a single parameter, $data
, representing the data string to be compressed.
# Writing to file-handle
lzhd_decompress($fh, $out_fh);
lzhd_decompress($string, $out_fh);
# Writing to file-handle (does Arithmetic decoding)
lzhd_decompress($fh, $out_fh, \&decode_ac_entry);
lzhd_decompress($string, $out_fh, \&decode_ac_entry);
# Returning the results
my $data = lzhd_decompress($fh);
my $data = lzhd_decompress($string);
# Returning the results (does Arithmetic decoding)
my $data = lzhd_decompress($fh, undef, \&decode_ac_entry);
my $data = lzhd_decompress($string, undef, \&decode_ac_entry);
Inverse of lzhd_compress()
lzw_compress($data, $out_fh); # writes to file-handle
my $string = lzw_compress($data); # returns a binary string
High-level function that performs LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) compression on the provided data, using the pipeline:
1. lzw_encode
2. abc_encode
It takes a single parameter, $data
, representing the data string to be compressed.
# Writing to filehandle
lzw_decompress($fh, $out_fh);
lzw_decompress($string, $out_fh);
# Returning the results
my $data = lzw_decompress($fh);
my $data = lzw_decompress($string);
Performs Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) decompression on the provided string or file-handle. Inverse of lzw_compress()
# Using Huffman Coding
bz2_compress($data, $out_fh); # writes to file-handle
my $string = bz2_compress($data); # returns a binary string
# Using Arithmetic Coding
bz2_compress($data, $out_fh, \&create_ac_entry); # writes to file-handle
my $string = bz2_compress($data, undef, \&create_ac_entry); # returns a binary string
High-level function that performs Bzip2-like compression on the provided data, using the pipeline:
1. rle4_encode
2. bwt_encode
3. mtf_encode
4. zrle_encode
5. create_huffman_entry
It takes a parameter string, $data
, representing the data to be compressed.
The function returns a binary string representing the compressed data.
When the additional optional argument, $out_fh
, is provided, the compressed data is written to it.
# Writes to file-handle
bz2_decompress($fh, $out_fh);
bz2_decompress($string, $out_fh);
# Writes to file-handle (does Arithmetic decoding)
bz2_decompress($fh, $out_fh, \&decode_ac_entry);
bz2_decompress($string, $out_fh, \&decode_ac_entry);
# Returns the data
my $data = bz2_decompress($fh);
my $data = bz2_decompress($string);
# Returns the data (does Arithmetic decoding)
my $data = bz2_decompress($fh, undef, \&decode_ac_entry);
my $data = bz2_decompress($string, undef, \&decode_ac_entry);
Inverse of bz2_compress()
# Does Huffman coding
bz2_compress_symbolic(\@symbols, $out_fh); # writes to file-handle
my $string = bz2_compress_symbolic(\@symbols); # returns a binary string
# Does Arithmetic coding
bz2_compress_symbolic(\@symbols, $out_fh, \&create_ac_entry); # writes to file-handle
my $string = bz2_compress_symbolic(\@symbols, undef, \&create_ac_entry); # returns a binary string
Similar to bz2_compress()
, except that it accepts an arbitrary array-ref of non-negative integer symbols as input. It is also a bit slower on large inputs.
# Using Huffman coding
my $symbols = bz2_decompress_symbolic($fh);
my $symbols = bz2_decompress_symbolic($string);
# Using Arithmetic coding
my $symbols = bz2_decompress_symbolic($fh, \&decode_ac_entry);
my $symbols = bz2_decompress_symbolic($string, \&decode_ac_entry);
Inverse of bz2_compress_symbolic()
my $string = delta_encode(\@integers);
my $string = delta_encode(\@integers, 1); # double
Encodes a sequence of integers using Delta + Elias omega coding, returning a binary string.
Delta encoding calculates the difference between consecutive integers in the sequence and encodes these differences using Elias omega coding.
It takes two parameters: \@integers
, representing the sequence of arbitrary integers to be encoded, and an optional parameter which defaults to 0
. If the second parameter is set to a true value, double Elias omega coding is performed, which results in better compression for very large integers.
# Given a file-handle
my $integers = delta_decode($fh);
my $integers = delta_decode($fh, 1); # double
# Given a string
my $integers = delta_decode($string);
my $integers = delta_decode($string, 1); # double
Inverse of delta_encode()
my $string = fibonacci_encode(\@symbols);
Encodes a sequence of non-negative integers using Fibonacci coding, returning a binary string.
# Given a file-handle
my $symbols = fibonacci_decode($fh);
# Given a binary string
my $symbols = fibonacci_decode($string);
Inverse of fibonacci_encode()
my $string = elias_gamma_encode(\@symbols);
Encodes a sequence of non-negative integers using Elias Gamma coding, returning a binary string.
# Given a file-handle
my $symbols = elias_gamma_decode($fh);
# Given a binary string
my $symbols = elias_gamma_decode($string);
Inverse of elias_gamma_encode()
my $string = elias_omega_encode(\@symbols);
Encodes a sequence of non-negative integers using Elias Omega coding, returning a binary string.
# Given a file-handle
my $symbols = elias_omega_decode($fh);
# Given a binary string
my $symbols = elias_omega_decode($string);
Inverse of elias_omega_encode()
my $string = abc_encode(\@symbols);
Encodes a sequence of non-negative integers using the Adaptive Binary Concatenation encoding method.
This method is particularly effective in encoding a sequence of integers that are in ascending order.
# Given a filehandle
my $symbols = abc_decode($fh);
# Given a binary string
my $symbols = abc_decode($string);
Inverse of abc_encode()
# With Huffman Coding
my $string = obh_encode(\@symbols);
# With Arithemtic Coding
my $string = obh_encode(\@symbols, \&create_ac_entry);
Encodes a sequence of non-negative integers using offset bits and Huffman coding.
This method is particularly effective in encoding a sequence of moderately large random integers, such as the list of indices returned by lz77_encode()
# Given a filehandle
my $symbols = obh_decode($fh); # Huffman decoding
my $symbols = obh_decode($fh, \&decode_ac_entry); # Arithemtic decoding
# Given a binary string
my $symbols = obh_decode($string); # Huffman decoding
my $symbols = obh_decode($string, \&decode_ac_entry); # Arithemtic decoding
Inverse of obh_encode()
my ($bwt, $idx) = bwt_encode($string);
my ($bwt, $idx) = bwt_encode($string, $lookahead_len);
Applies the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) to a given string.
It returns two values: $bwt
, which represents the transformed string, and $idx
, which holds the index of the original string in the sorted list of rotations.
It takes an optional argument $lookahead_len
, which defaults to 128
, representing the length of look-ahead during sorting.
my $string = bwt_decode($bwt, $idx);
Reverses the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) applied to a string.
It takes two parameters: $bwt
, which is the transformed string, and $idx
, which represents the index of the original string in the sorted list of rotations.
The function returns the original string.
my ($bwt_symbols, $idx) = bwt_encode_symbolic(\@symbols);
Applies the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) to a sequence of symbolic elements.
It takes a single parameter \@symbols
, which represents the sequence of numerical symbols to be transformed.
The function returns two elements: $bwt_symbols
, which represents the transformed symbolic sequence, and $idx
, the index of the original sequence in the sorted list of rotations.
my $symbols = bwt_decode_symbolic(\@bwt_symbols, $idx);
Reverses the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) applied to a sequence of symbolic elements.
It takes two parameters: \@bwt_symbols
, which represents the transformed symbolic sequence, and $idx
, the index of the original sequence in the sorted list of rotations.
The function returns the original sequence of symbolic elements.
my $mtf = mtf_encode(\@symbols, \@alphabet);
Performs Move-To-Front (MTF) encoding on a sequence of symbols using a given alphabet.
It takes two parameters: \@symbols
, representing the sequence of symbols to be encoded, and \@alphabet
, representing the ordered alphabet used for encoding. The function returns the encoded MTF sequence.
my $symbols = mtf_decode(\@mtf, \@alphabet);
Inverse of mtf_encode()
my $string = encode_alphabet(\@alphabet);
Efficienlty encodes an alphabet of symbols into a binary string.
my $alphabet = decode_alphabet($fh);
my $alphabet = decode_alphabet($string);
Decodes an encoded alphabet, given a file-handle or a binary string, returning an array of symbols. Inverse of encode_alphabet()
my $rl = run_length(\@symbols);
my $rl = run_length(\@symbols, $max_run);
Performs Run-Length Encoding (RLE) on a sequence of symbolic elements.
It takes two parameters: \@symbols
, representing an array of symbols, and $max_run
, indicating the maximum run length allowed.
The function returns a 2D-array, with pairs: [symbol, run_length]
, such that the following code reconstructs the \@symbols
my @symbols = map { ($_->[0]) x $_->[1] } @$rl;
By default, the maximum run-length is unlimited.
my $rle4 = rle4_encode(\@symbols);
my $rle4 = rle4_encode(\@symbols, $max_run);
Performs Run-Length Encoding (RLE) on a sequence of symbolic elements, specifically designed for runs of four or more consecutive symbols.
It takes two parameters: \@symbols
, representing an array of symbols, and $max_run
, indicating the maximum run length allowed during encoding.
The function returns the encoded RLE sequence as an array-ref of symbols.
By default, the maximum run-length is limited to 255
my $symbols = rle4_decode($rle4);
Inverse of rle4_encode()
my $zrle = zrle_encode(\@symbols);
Performs Zero-Run-Length Encoding (ZRLE) on a sequence of symbolic elements.
It takes a single parameter \@symbols
, representing the sequence of symbols to be encoded, and returns the encoded ZRLE sequence as an array-ref of symbols.
This function efficiently encodes only runs of zeros, but also increments each symbol by 1
my $symbols = zrle_decode($zrle);
Inverse of zrle_encode()
my ($bitstring, $freq) = ac_encode(\@symbols);
Performs Arithmetic Coding on the provided symbols.
It takes a single parameter, \@symbols
, representing the symbols to be encoded.
The function returns two values: $bitstring
, which is a string of 1s and 0s, and $freq
, representing the frequency table used for encoding.
my $symbols = ac_decode($bits_fh, \%freq);
my $symbols = ac_decode($bitstring, \%freq);
Performs Arithmetic Coding decoding using the provided frequency table and a string of 1s and 0s. Inverse of ac_encode()
It takes two parameters: $bitstring
, representing a string of 1s and 0s containing the arithmetic coded data, and \%freq
, representing the frequency table used for encoding.
The function returns the decoded sequence of symbols.
my ($bitstring, $alphabet) = adaptive_ac_encode(\@symbols);
Performs Adaptive Arithmetic Coding on the provided symbols.
It takes a single parameter, \@symbols
, representing the symbols to be encoded.
The function returns two values: $bitstring
, which is a string of 1s and 0s, and $alphabet
, which is an array-ref of distinct sorted symbols.
my $symbols = adaptive_ac_decode($bits_fh, \@alphabet);
my $symbols = adaptive_ac_decode($bitstring, \@alphabet);
Performs Adaptive Arithmetic Coding decoding using the provided frequency table and a string of 1s and 0s.
It takes two parameters: $bitstring
, representing a string of 1s and 0s containing the adaptive arithmetic coded data, and \@alphabet
, representing the array of distinct sorted symbols that appear in the encoded data.
The function returns the decoded sequence of symbols.
my $symbols = lzw_encode($string);
Performs Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) encoding on the provided string.
It takes a single parameter, $string
, representing the data to be compressed. The function returns the encoded symbols.
my $string = lzw_decode(\@symbols);
Performs Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) decoding on the provided symbols. Inverse of lzw_encode()
It takes a single parameter, \@symbols
, representing the encoded symbols to be decompressed. The function returns the decoded string.
my $bit = read_bit($fh, \$buffer);
Reads a single bit from a file-handle $fh
The function stores the extra bits inside the $buffer
, reading one character at a time from the filehandle.
my $bitstring = read_bits($fh, $bits_len);
Reads a specified number of bits ($bits_len
) from a file-handle ($fh
) and returns them as a string.
my $bitstring_enc = binary_vrl_encode($bitstring);
Given a string of 1s and 0s, returns back a bitstring of 1s and 0s encoded using variable run-length encoding.
my $bitstring = binary_vrl_decode($bitstring_enc);
Given an encoded bitstring, returned by binary_vrl_encode()
, gives back the decoded string of 1s and 0s.
my $indices = bwt_sort($string);
my $indices = bwt_sort($string, $lookahead_len);
Low-level function that sorts the rotations of a given string using the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) algorithm.
It takes two parameters: $string
, which is the input string to be transformed, and $LOOKAHEAD_LEN
(optional), representing the length of look-ahead during sorting.
The function returns an array-ref of indices.
There is probably no need to call this function explicitly. Use bwt_encode()
my $indices = bwt_sort_symbolic(\@symbols);
Low-level function that sorts the rotations of a sequence of symbolic elements using the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) algorithm.
It takes a single parameter \@symbols
, which represents the input sequence of symbolic elements. The function returns an array of indices.
There is probably no need to call this function explicitly. Use bwt_encode_symbolic()
my ($dict, $rev_dict) = huffman_tree_from_freq(\%freq);
Low-level function that constructs a Huffman tree based on the frequency of symbols provided in a hash table.
It takes a single parameter, \%freq
, representing the hash table where keys are symbols, and values are their corresponding frequencies.
The function returns two values: $dict
, which represents the constructed Huffman dictionary, and $rev_dict
, which holds the reverse mapping of Huffman codes to symbols.
my $bits = huffman_encode(\@symbols, $dict);
Low-level function that performs Huffman encoding on a sequence of symbols using a provided dictionary, returned by huffman_tree_from_freq()
It takes two parameters: \@symbols
, representing the sequence of symbols to be encoded, and $dict
, representing the Huffman dictionary mapping symbols to their corresponding Huffman codes.
The function returns a concatenated string of 1s and 0s, representing the Huffman-encoded sequence of symbols.
my $symbols = huffman_decode($bits, $rev_dict);
Low-level function that decodes a Huffman-encoded binary string into a sequence of symbols using a provided reverse dictionary.
It takes two parameters: $bits
, representing the Huffman-encoded string of 1s and 0s, as returned by huffman_encode()
, and $rev_dict
, representing the reverse dictionary mapping Huffman codes to their corresponding symbols.
The function returns the decoded sequence of symbols as an array-ref.
my ($literals, $indices, $lengths) = lzss_encode($data);
Low-level function that performs LZSS (Lempel-Ziv-Storer-Szymanski) compression on the provided data.
It takes a single parameter, $data
, representing the data string to be compressed.
The function returns three values: $literals
, which is an array-ref of uncompressed bytes, $indices
, which contains the indices of the back-references, and $lengths
, which holds the lengths of the matched sub-strings.
A back-reference is returned only when it's beneficial (i.e.: when it may not inflate the data). Otherwise, the corresponding index and length are both set to 0
The output can be decompressed with lz77_decode()
my ($literals, $indices, $lengths) = lz77_encode($data);
Low-level function that performs LZ77 (Lempel-Ziv 1977) compression on the provided data.
It takes a single parameter, $data
, representing the data string to be compressed.
The function returns three values: $literals
, which is an array-ref of uncompressed bytes, $indices
, which contains the indices of the matched sub-strings, and $lengths
, which holds the lengths of the matched sub-strings.
Lengths are limited to 255
lz77_decode / lzss_decode
my $data = lz77_decode($literals, $indices, $lengths);
my $data = lzss_decode($literals, $indices, $lengths);
Low-level function that performs LZ77 (Lempel-Ziv 1977) decompression using the provided literals, indices, and lengths of matched sub-strings.
It takes three parameters: $literals
, representing the array-ref of uncompressed bytes, $indices
, containing the indices of the matched sub-strings, and $lengths
, holding the lengths of the matched sub-strings.
The function returns the decompressed data as a string.
# Writes to file-handle
deflate_encode(\@literals, \@distances, \@lengths, $out_fh);
deflate_encode(\@literals, \@distances, \@lengths, $out_fh, \&create_ac_entry);
# Returns a binary string
my $string = deflate_encode(\@literals, \@distances, \@lengths);
my $string = deflate_encode(\@literals, \@distances, \@lengths, undef, \&create_ac_entry);
Low-level function that encodes the results returned by lz77_encode()
and lzss_encode()
, using a DEFLATE-like approach, combined with Huffman coding.
A sixth optional argument can be provided as \&create_ac_entry
to use Arithmetic Coding instead of Huffman coding. The default value is \&create_huffman_entry
# Huffman decoding
my ($literals, $indices, $lengths) = deflate_decode($fh);
my ($literals, $indices, $lengths) = deflate_decode($string);
# Arithmetic decoding
my ($literals, $indices, $lengths) = deflate_decode($fh, \&decode_ac_entry);
my ($literals, $indices, $lengths) = deflate_decode($string, \&decode_ac_entry);
Inverse of deflate_encode()
my ($DISTANCE_SYMBOLS, $LENGTH_SYMBOLS, $LENGTH_INDICES) = make_deflate_tables($size);
Low-level function that returns a list of tables used in encoding the indices and lengths returned by lz77_encode()
and lzss_encode()
There is no need to call this function explicitly. Use deflate_encode()
my $index = find_deflate_index($value, $DISTANCE_SYMBOLS);
Low-level function that returns the index inside the DEFLATE tables for a given value.
Each function can be exported individually, as:
use Compression::Util qw(bz2_compress);
By specifying the :all keyword, will export all the exportable functions:
use Compression::Util qw(:all);
Nothing is exported by default.
Data Compression (Summer 2023) - Lecture 4 - The Unix 'compress' Program:
Data Compression (Summer 2023) - Lecture 5 - Basic Techniques:
Data Compression (Summer 2023) - Lecture 11 - DEFLATE (gzip):
Data Compression (Summer 2023) - Lecture 12 - The Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT):
Data Compression (Summer 2023) - Lecture 13 - BZip2:
Data Compression (Summer 2023) - Lecture 15 - Infinite Precision in Finite Bits:
Information Retrieval WS 17/18, Lecture 4: Compression, Codes, Entropy:
COMP526 7-5 SS7.4 Run length encoding:
COMP526 Unit 7-6 2020-03-24 Compression - Move-to-front transform:
Basic arithmetic coder in C++:
My blog post on "Lossless Data Compression":
Please report any bugs or feature requests to:
Daniel "Trizen" Șuteu <>
Special thanks to professor Bill Bird for the awesome YouTube lectures on data compression.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.38.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.