Linux::DesktopFiles - Get and parse the Linux .desktop files.
use Linux::DesktopFiles;
my $obj = Linux::DesktopFiles->new( terminalize => 1 );
print join "\n", $obj->get_desktop_files;
my $hash_ref = $obj->parse_desktop_files;
The Linux::DesktopFiles
is a very simple module to parse .desktop files.
The following constructor methods are available:
- $obj = Linux::DesktopFiles->new( %options )
This method constructs a new
object and returns it. Key/value pair arguments may be provided to set up the initial state. The following options correspond to attribute methods described below:KEY DEFAULT ----------- -------------------- with_icons 0 full_icon_paths 0 skip_svg_icons 0 icon_db_filename undef icon_dirs_first undef icon_dirs_second undef icon_dirs_last undef categories_case_sensitive 0 keep_empty_categories 0 use_only_my_icon_dirs 0 terminalize 0 terminal $ENV{TERM} home_dir $ENV{HOME} gtk_rc_filename "~/.gtkrc-2.0" true_value ['true', 'True', '1'] skip_file_name_re undef skip_app_name_re undef skip_app_command_re undef skip_file_content_re undef clean_command_name_re undef desktop_files_paths ['/usr/share/applications'] keys_to_keep ["Name", "Exec"] categories [qw( utility development education game graphics audiovideo network office settings system ) ]
Main options
- desktop_files_paths => ['dir1', 'dir2', ...]
Set directories where to find the .desktop files (default: /usr/share/applications)
- keys_to_keep => [qw(Icon Exec Name Comment ...)]
Any of the valid keys from .desktop files. This keys will be stored in the retured hash reference when calling
. - categories => [qw(Graphics Network AudioVideo ...)]
Any of the valid categories from the .desktop files. Any category not listed, will be ignored.
Other options
- keep_empty_categories => 1
If a category is empty, keep it in the returned hash reference when parse_desktop_files is called.
- categories_case_sensitive => 1
Make categories case sensitive. By default, they are case insensitive in a way that "X-XFCE4" is equivalent to "x_xfce4".
- terminalize => 1
When Terminal is true, modify the Exec value to something like: terminal -e 'command'
- terminal => "xterm"
This terminal will be used when terminalize is set to a true value.
- home_dir => "/home/dir"
Set the home directory. This value is used to locate icons in the ~/.local/share/icons.
- gtk_rc_filename => "/path/to/.gtkrc-x.x"
This file is used to get the icon theme name from it. (default: ~/.gtkrc-2.0) NOTE: It works with Gtk3 as well.
- true_value => [qw(1 true True)]
This values are used to test for true some values from the .desktop files.
Icon options
- with_icons => 1
Require icons
- full_icon_paths => 1
Full icon paths for Icon values.
- icon_db_filename => "filename.db"
GDBM database name used to store icon names as keys and icon paths as values for a faster lookup (used with GDBM_File). NOTE: Works in combination with full_icon_paths and with_icons
- skip_svg_icons => 1
Ignore .svg icons when looking for full icon paths.
- icon_dirs_first => [dir1, dir2, ...]
When looking for full icon paths, look in this directories first, before looking in the directories of the current icon theme.
- icon_dirs_second => [dir1, dir2, ...]
When looking for full icon paths, look in this directories as a second icon theme. (Before /usr/share/pixmaps)
- icon_dirs_last => [dir1, dir2, ...]
Look in this directories at the very last, after looked in /usr/share/pixmaps, /usr/share/icons/hicolor and some other directories.
- use_only_my_icon_dirs => 1
Be very strict and use only the directories specified by you in either one of icon_dirs_first, icon_dirs_second and/or icon_dirs_last
Regex options
- skip_file_name_re => qr/regex/
Skip .desktop files if their file names will match the regex. NOTE: File names are from the last slash to the end.
- skip_app_name_re => qr/regex/
Skip .desktop files based on the value of Name.
- skip_app_command_re => qr/regex/
Skip .desktop files based on the value of Exec.
- skip_file_content_re => qr/regex/
Skip .desktop files if the regex matches anywhere in the [Desktop Entry] section.
- clean_command_name_re => qr/regex/
Anything matched by this regex in the values of Exec will be replaced with nothing.
- $obj->iterate_desktop_files(\&code_ref)
Iterate over desktop files, one file at a time.
- $obj->get_desktop_files()
Get all desktop files. In list context it returns a list, but in scalar context, it returns an array reference containing the full names of the desktop files.
- $obj->get_icon_theme_name()
Returns the icon theme name, if any, otherwise it returns an empty string.
- $obj->get_icon_path("icon_name")
If full_icon_paths is set to a true value, it returns the absolute path of a icon name located in the system. If it can't found the icon name, it returns an empty string. If full_icon_paths is set to a false value, it strips the extension name of the icon (if any), and returns the icon name. If the icon name is undefined, it returns an empty string.
- $obj->parse_desktop_file("filename")
It returns a HASH reference which contains the keys_to_keep and the values from the desktop file specified as an argument.
- $obj->parse_desktop_files()
It returns a HASH reference which categories names as keys, and ARRAY references as values which contains HASH references with the keys specified in the keys_to_keep option, and values from the .desktop files.
The returned HASH reference might look something like this:
{ utility => [ {Exec => "...", Name => "..."}, {Exec => "...", Name => "..."} ], network => [ {Exec => "...", Name => "..."}, {Exec => "...", Name => "..."} ], }
Trizen, <>
Copyright (C) 2012 by Trizen
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.