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# Based on Euler's identity: e^(pi*x*i) = cos(pi*x) + i*sin(pi*x)
var iter = 20; # the number of polygons
var size = 200; # the diameter of each polygon in pixels
var (width=(iter*size + size), height=700);
var img = %O<Imager>.new(xsize => width, ysize => height);
img.box(filled => 1, color => 'white');
iter.times { |k|
var points = gather {
k.times { |n|
var x = (size*k + 100*cos(n*Number.pi / k/2));
var y = (height/2 + 100*sin(n*Number.pi / k/2));
take([x.round(0), y.round(0)]);
points => points,
color => [0, k, 255/k],
img.write(file => 'circle_from_polygons.png');