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class Percolate {
has block = '▒'
has water = '+'
has pore = ' '
has grid = 15
has site = []
enum <DeadEnd, Up, Right, Down, Left>
method direction(x, y) {
(Down if (site[y + 1][x] == pore)) ||
(Left if (site[y][x - 1] == pore)) ||
(Right if (site[y][x + 1] == pore)) ||
(Up if (site[y - 1][x] == pore)) ||
method move(dir, x, y) {
given (dir) {
when (Up) { site[--y][x] = water }
when (Down) { site[++y][x] = water }
when (Left) { site[y][--x] = water }
when (Right) { site[y][++x] = water }
return (x, y)
method percolate (prob = 0.6) {
site[0] = grid.of(pore)
site[grid + 1] = grid.of(pore)
for x = ^grid, y = 1..grid {
site[y][x] = (1.rand < prob ? pore : block)
site[0][0] = water
var stack = []
var (x, y) = (0, 0)
loop {
if (var dir = self.direction(x, y)) {
stack << [x, y]
(x,y) = self.move(dir, x, y)
else {
stack || return 0
(x,y) = stack.pop...
return 1 if (y > grid)
var obj = Percolate()
say 'Sample percolation at 0.6'
obj.percolate(0.6) { .join.say }