# Tests for sets
var x = Set(1, 2, 3)
5..7 -> each { |i| x += i }
var y = Set(1, 2, 4, x)
say "set x is: #{x}"
say "set y is: #{y}"
assert_eq(y, y.clone)
assert_eq(y, y.dclone)
[1,2,3,4,x].each { |elem|
say ("#{elem} is ", y.has(elem) ? '' : 'not', " in y")
elem == 3 ? assert(!y.has(elem), "#{elem} does not exists in #{y}")
: assert( y.has(elem), "#{elem} exists in #{y}")
var (w, z)
say ("union: ", x ∪ y)
say ("intersect: ", x ∩ y)
say ("z = x ∖ y = ", z = (x ∖ y) )
say ("y is ", y ⊆ x ? "" : "not ", "a subset of x")
say ("z is ", z ⊆ x ? "" : "not ", "a subset of x")
assert(!(y ⊆ x), "y is not a subset of x")
assert(z ⊆ x, "z is a subset of x")
say ("z = (x ∪ y) ∖ (x ∩ y) = ", z = ((x ∪ y) ∖ (x ∩ y)))
say ("w = x ^ y = ", w = (x ^ y))
say ("w is ", w ≡ z ? "" : "not ", "equal to z")
say ("w is ", w ≡ x ? "" : "not ", "equal to x")
assert_eq(w, z)
assert_ne(w, x)
assert_eq((w - y).sort, [3, 5, 6, 7])
assert_eq((w ^ y).sort, [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7])
assert_eq((w & x).sort, [3, 5, 6, 7])
assert_eq((w | x - y).sort, [3, 5, 6, 7])
assert_eq((w & x - y).sort, [3, 5, 6, 7])
assert_eq((w ^ x | y), y)
assert_eq((w - x | y), y)
assert_eq((w ^ x), y)
assert_eq((w - x ^ y).sort, [1, 2])
assert_eq((w - x | y - y).sort, [])
assert_eq((w - x | y ^ y).sort, [])
assert_eq((w - x | y | x - y).sort, [3, 5, 6, 7])
assert_eq(Set(1,2,3) & 3, Set(3))
assert_eq(Set(1,2,3) & [2,3,3], Set(2,3))
assert_eq(Set(1,2,3) & 3, Set(3))
# Array `op` Set -> Array
assert_eq([2,3,3] & Set(1,2,3), [2,3])
assert_eq([2,3,3] | Set(1,2,3), [1,2,3,3])
assert_eq([2,3,3] ^ Set(1,2,3), [1,3])
assert_eq([1,2,3,3] - Set(2,3), [1,3])
x << x
say x
assert_eq(x, x)
#assert_eq(Set(Set(5, 4, x), 2, 3), Set(3, Set(4,x,5), 2))
assert_eq([[5, 4, x].sort, 2, 3].sort, [3, [4,x,5].sort, 2].sort)