Changes for version 1.17 - 2019-03-31

  • NOLookup::Brreg::DataLookup, NOLookup::BrregDifi::DataLookup: $mech->text should not be called unless content is html, so clone version 1.16 change. This will make the module it more future safe in case '<' or other problematic html char should be allowed in a company name or other field. None problematic chars seen so far though.


a set of lookup modules for various Norwegian data services.
Lookup Brreg basic organization data from the JSON formatted service offered by the Brreg data API via
Map a Brreg json data structure element to Brreg::Entry data objects.
Lookup Brreg basic organization data from the JSON formatted service offered by the Difi Brreg data API via "";
Map a Brreg json data structure element to NOLookup::BrregDifi::Entry data objects.
Lookup DAS data from Norid.
Lookup Patentstyret trademark data from the JSON formatted service offered by the JSON API.
Map a Patentstyret json data structure element to a NOLookup::Patent::Entry data objects.
Lookup WHOIS data from Norid.