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TeX::AutoTeX - automated processing of (La-)TeX sources


TeX::AutoTeX::process will modify, overwrite, and delete files in the specified directory. It is assumed that directory is a temporary working directory and that the sources were copied from elsewhere for processing. Make sure you have copies of your files before attempting to run this module.


see CVS revision number


 use TeX::AutoTeX;
 my $t = TeX::AutoTeX->new( workdir => '/some/temp/directory',);
 $t->process or warn 'processing failed';

A more elaborate example

 use TeX::AutoTeX;

 my $t = TeX::AutoTeX->new( workdir => '/some/temp/directory', verbose => 1,);
 $t->{log} = TeX::AutoTeX::Log->new(
                                   dir     => $t->{workdir},
                                   verbose => $t->{verbose},
                                   dupefh  => $t->{verbose} ? \*STDOUT : undef,
 $t->set_stampref(['foobar paper', '']);
 if ($t->process()) {
   print "Success\n"
 } else {
   print "Processing failed: inspect $t->{workdir}/auto_gen_ps.log\n";


This module is the basis for arXiv's automatic (La-)TeX processing. The normal use is to point it at a directory with an assortment of files in it, and the process method will attempt to generated DVI, PostScript, or PDF from the input based on heuristics which have been developed and employed by arXiv for many years. The resulting file(s) remain in the same directory. It is up to the calling process to pre- or post-process the directory contents as required.

Note that arXiv does not allow execution of external programs from TeX or dvips (paranoid setting in texmf.cnf), and that neither makeindex or bibtex or similar intermediate programs are run. These are deliberate choices. Consequently this module doesn't provide that functionality either.


The main purpose of TeX::AutoTeX is to instantiate an object, set attributes relevant for processing and then call process to do the work.


new( workdir => <directory_name>, ) instantiates a TeX::AutoTeX object with default settings. The single required argument is the workdir, which is the directory in which the source material can be found and processed.

All other attributes outlined below can be set, i.e. defaults can be overwritten, via a hashref passed to new.


This is the main method of a TeX::AutoTeX object. It will start the processing and perform the format conversion according to the object's attributes. process itself does not take any parameters.

process returns 1 on success and undef on failure.


sends email about a failure to the recipient for such messages configured in $TeX::AutoTeX::Config::MAIL_FAILURES_ADDRESS


These are simple (get|set)_accessors for attributes and flags


get/set the directory in which the source material will be processed.

Note that processing typically is done in a chroot jail, and the processing directory should be inside that jail.


get/set the branch, e.g. the TeX installation, input tree(s), etc. This allows to select between various TeX installations or texmf input trees. It is a path based selection of the top level directory and associated texmf.cnf file. At arXiv we have e.g. teTeX/2/texmf-2003 teTeX/2/texmf-2004 teTeX/3/texmf-2006. This method should be overloaded with custom selection settings to reflect local directory hierarchies. Something along the lines of

  if (!$self->{branch}) { # use the latest branch, unless specified otherwise
    $self->{branch} = '3';
    $ENV{TEXMFCNF} = '/3/texmf/web2c';
    $self->{tex_env_path} =  '/3/bin:/bin';

The example above reflects arXiv's use of PATH settings relative to a chroot root directory.


get or set the $ENV{PATH} value for system calls, defaults to /$branch/bin:/bin. This allows for branch based path variations like /2/bin, /3/amd64/bin, /texlive/x86_64/bin depending on available local tex trees


get/set flag to enable or disable stamping of the first page. This is a simple on/off switch. (default 1)


get/set the array ref holding the text of the stamp and the URL to hyperlink on the first page. At arXiv the values are derived from the item identifier and local link structure.


get/set the TeX::AutoTeX::Log object for logging of warnings/errors. The default is to instantiate a TeX::AutoTeX::Log object with the default logfile, auto_gen_ps.log, and if set verbose logging to STDOUT.


get/set flag to enable verbose logging to the logfile specified in the TeX::AutoTeX::Log object and STDOUT. This is a simple on/off switch. (default 0)


get/set flag to send email alerts about processing problems to addresses specified in TeX::AutoTeX::Config. This is a simple on/off switch. (default 0)


get/set the dvips -t command line flag for papertype selection. The main use of this flag is the "landscape" option, since other document layout decisions should be taken in the source. arXiv in particular distinguishes between US letter size paper as the default latex and dvips option on North American sites, and A4 paper on all other sites. This affects macro packages, etc, via .cfg files (hyperref.cfg, geometry.cfg) or explicit modification, and dvips' global


get/set the target resolution (dpi) for dvips (-D command line option of dvips), valid options are 300, 400, 600. (default 600)


get/set the dvips printer type (-P command line option of dvips), relevant for font creation and selection. (default none, valid choices type1, pdf). The default metafont mode and associated resolution are configured in the TeX installation. The main use of this option is to generate PostScript with type1 fonts for PDF generation. (default none)


get/set the name of a custom fontmap. If the sources contain private font files and associated macros, this option can be used to pass an additional font map file to dvips via the -u dvips command line option, so that dvips can resolve those font references (default none)


get/set the output format. This is typically derived from other dvips flags, in particular resolution and printer option and allows calling applications to distinguish between various types of generated PostScript, e.g. 300 dpi bitmap, 600 dpi bitmap, PostScript with outline (type1) fonts, uncompressed PostScript or Postscript for a particular paper type (A4, letter, landscape) (default none)


The main method, process returns 1 on success and undef if there was a processing error. The log file will have more information on the error in this case.

In addition there may be fatal errors in system calls etc.. These will croak.


Enable verbose logging for lots of informative messages, and look at the log file (default auto_gen_ps.log)


Most of the configuration is taken from TeX::AutoTeX::Config. Influencing the TeX process via environment variables is not encouraged.

TeX::AutoTeX::Config must be customized and adapted to local requirements before use.



This module relies on access to a complete TeX installation. A recent TeXLive distribution should be sufficient to get started, however in the scholarly publication realm a lot of additional macro packages from publishers and societies may need to be added to a local texmf tree.

TeX::AutoTeX::Config holds all of the necessary configuration and customization. This module will not work without proper settings in the config file.

arXiv::FileGuess is required for contents based file type determination. This could be mostly substituted for by one of File::Type File::MimeInfo::Magic or File::LibMagic.


Let us know


 AutoTeX automatic TeX processing system
 Copyright (C) 1994-2006 and contributors

 AutoTeX is supplied under the GNU Public License and comes
 with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.

 AutoTeX is an automatic TeX processing system designed to
 process TeX/LaTeX/AMSTeX/etc source code of papers submitted
 to the (nee e-print archive. The
 portable part of this code has been extracted and is made
 available in the hope that it will be useful to other projects
 and that the input of others will benefit

 Code developed and contributed to by Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Rob
 Harthill, Mark Doyle, Thorsten Schwander, and Simeon Warner.
 Refactored to separate generic code from specific code
 by Stephen Marsh, Michael Fromerth, and Simeon Warner 2005/2006.

 Major cleanups and algorithmic improvements/corrections by
 Thorsten Schwander 2006 - 2011


Thorsten Schwander for


Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.