recs-join --help-all
Help from: --help-basic:
Usage: recs-join <args> <inputkey> <dbkey> <dbfile> [<files>]
Records of input (or records from <files>) are joined against records in
<dbfile>, using field <inputkey> from input and field <dbkey> from <dbfile>.
Each record from input may match 0, 1, or more records from <dbfile>. Each
pair of matches will be combined to form a larger record, with fields from
the dbfile overwriting fields from the input stream. If the join is a left
join or inner join, any inputs that do not match a dbfile record are
discarded. If the join is a right join or inner join, any db records that do
not match an input record are discarded.
dbkey and inputkey may be key specs, see '--help-keyspecs' for more
information. Separate multiple keyspecs with commas to use a composite key.
--left Do a left join
--right Do a right join
--inner Do an inner join (This is the default)
--outer Do an outer join
--operation An perl expression to evaluate for merging two
records together, in place of the default
behavior of db fields overwriting input fields.
See "Operation" below.
--accumulate-right Accumulate all input records with the same key
onto each db record matching that key. See
"Accumulate Right" below.
--filename-key|fk <keyspec> Add a key with the source filename (if no
filename is applicable will put NONE)
Help Options:
--help-all Output all help for this script
--help This help screen
--help-full Help on join types and accumulate-right
--help-keyspecs Help on keyspecs, a way to index deeply and with regexes
--help-snippet Help on code snippets
The expression provided is evaluated for every pair of db record and input
record that have matching keys, in place of the default operation to
overwrite input fields with db fields. The variable $d is set to a
App::RecordStream::Record object for the db record, and $i is set to a
App::RecordStream::Record object for the input record. The $d record is used
for the result. Thus, if you provide an empty operation, the result will
contain only fields from the db record. Note that an empty operation is
different from no --operation at all.
Join type from STDIN and typeName from dbfile
cat recs | recs-join type typeName dbfile
Join host name from a mapping file to machines to get IPs
recs-join host host hostIpMapping machines
Help from: --help-full:
Join Types
For instance, if you did:
recs-join type typeName dbfile fromfile
with a db file like:
{ 'typeName': 'foo', 'hasSetting': 1 }
{ 'typeName': 'bar', 'hasSetting': 0 }
and joined that with
{ 'name': 'something', 'type': 'foo'}
{ 'name': 'blarg', 'type': 'hip'}
for an inner (default) join, you would get
{ 'name': 'something', 'type': 'foo', 'typeName': 'foo', 'hasSetting': 1}
for an outer join, you would get
{ 'name': 'something', 'type': 'foo', 'typeName': 'foo', 'hasSetting': 1}
{ 'name': 'blarg', 'type': 'hip'}
{ 'typeName': 'bar', 'hasSetting': 0 }
for a left join, you would get
{ 'name': 'something', 'type': 'foo', 'typeName': 'foo', 'hasSetting': 1}
{ 'typeName': 'bar', 'hasSetting': 0 }
for a right join, you would get
{ 'name': 'something', 'type': 'foo', 'typeName': 'foo', 'hasSetting': 1}
{ 'name': 'blarg', 'type': 'hip'}
Accumulate Right:
Accumulate all input records with the same key onto each db record matching
that key. This means that a db record can have multiple input records merged
into it. If no operation is provided, any fields in second or later records
will be lost due to them being discarded. This option is most useful with a
user defined operation to handle collisions. For example, one could provide
an operation to add fields together:
recs-join --left --operation '
foreach $k (keys %$i) {
if (exists($d->{$k})) {
if ($k =~ /^value/) {$d->{$k} = $d->{$k} + $i->{$k};}
} else {
$d->{$k} = $i->{$k};
}' --accumulate-right name name dbfile inputfile
Help from: --help-keyspecs:
A key spec is short way of specifying a field with prefixes or regular
expressions, it may also be nested into hashes and arrays. Use a '/' to nest
into a hash and a '#NUM' to index into an array (i.e. #2)
An example is in order, take a record like this:
{"biz":["a","b","c"],"foo":{"bar 1":1},"zap":"blah1"}
{"biz":["a","b","c"],"foo":{"bar 1":2},"zap":"blah2"}
{"biz":["a","b","c"],"foo":{"bar 1":3},"zap":"blah3"}
In this case a key spec of 'foo/bar 1' would have the values 1,2, and 3 in
the respective records.
Similarly, 'biz/#0' would have the value of 'a' for all 3 records
You can also prefix key specs with '@' to engage the fuzzy matching logic
Fuzzy matching works like this in order, first key to match wins
1. Exact match ( eq )
2. Prefix match ( m/^/ )
3. Match anywehre in the key (m//)
So, in the above example '@b/#2', the 'b' portion would expand to 'biz' and 2
would be the index into the array, so all records would have the value of 'c'
Simiarly, @f/b would have values 1, 2, and 3
You can escape / with a \. For example, if you have a record:
You can address that key with foo\/bar
Help from: --help-snippet:
Recs code snippets are perl code, with one exception. There a couple of
variables predefined for you, and one piece of special syntax to assist in
modifying hashes.
Special Variables:
$r - the current record object. This may be used exactly like a hash, or you
can use some of the special record functions, see App::RecordStream::Record
for more information
$line - This is the number of records run through the code snippet, starting
at 1. For most scripts this corresponds to the line number of the input to
the script.
$filename - The filename of the originating record. Note: This is only
useful if you're passing filenames directly to the recs script, piping
from other recs scripts or from cat, for instance, will not have a
useful filename.
Special Syntax
Use {{search_string}} to look for a string in the keys of a record, use /
to nest keys. You can nest into arrays by using an index. If you are
vivifying arrays (if the array doesn't exist, prefix your key with # so
that an array rather than a hash will be created to put a / in your key,
escape it twice, i.e. \/
This is exactly the same as a key spec that is always prefaced with a @, see
'man recs' for more info on key specs
For example: A record that looks like:
{ "foo" : { "bar 1" : 1 }, "zoo" : 2}
Could be accessed like this:
# value of zoo # value of $r->{foo}->{bar 1}: (comma separate nested keys)
{{zoo}} {{foo/ar 1}}
# Even assign to values (set the foo key to the value 1)
{{foo}} = 1
# And auto, vivify
{{new_key/array_key/#0}} = 3 # creates an array within a hash within a hash
# Index into an array
{{array_key/#3}} # The value of index 3 of the array ref under the
'array_key' hash key.
This matching is a fuzzy keyspec matching, see --help-keyspecs for
more details.
See App::RecordStream for an overview of the scripts and the system
recs examples
or see App::RecordStream::Manual::Examples for a set of simple recs examplesRun
recs story
or see App::RecordStream::Manual::Story for a humorous introduction to RecordStreamEvery command has a
mode available to print out usage and examples for the particular command, just like the output above.