Net::iTMS::XML - Methods to process iTMS XML
use Net::iTMS::XML;
my $p = Net::iTMS::XML->new(file => 'viewAlbum.xml');
# or...
my $p = Net::iTMS::XML->new($string_with_xml);
my @path = @{$p->Path};
my %tracklist = %{$p->TrackList};
# ...etc...
# To see the structure...
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper(\%tracklist), "\n";
Net::iTMS::XML creates an XML::Twig object for the provided data. It is then up to you to call the various methods provided and deal with the returned data structures (arrayrefs, hashrefs, and the occasionally string or two).
Currently the structure of the data returned isn't documented (except in code). The easiest way to figure out the structure is to use Data::Dumper or a similar module to print out the structure for you. See the SYNOPSIS for an example.
All methods (excepting new
, purge
, and a few others) take the first argument as a hash. Currently the only key in use is cleanup
, which determines whether or not the method deletes the branch it's been working on. Default is 1, to delete it (which means undefined results (probably program death) if you call a method that uses an already deleted branch).
new(file => 'viewAlbum.xml')
If the first argument is 'file' (case insensitive), then the second argument is taken to be the name of a file from which to read the XML. If the first argument is anything else, it is taken to be a string of the XML to be parsed.
Returns a blessed hashref (object) for Net::iTMS::XML.
Returns a string containing the value of the XML document's pageType attribute.
Returns an arrayref of hashrefs containing the name and url of the
elements in the XML. TrackList
Returns a semi-complex hashref representing the track listing provided in the XML document.
Returns a semi-complex hashref of the albums found from a basic search. Undefined results if called on XML not from a basic search.
Returns an hashref of information about the album. Undefined results if called on XML not from a viewAlbum request.
Returns an hashref of information about the artist. Undefined results if called on XML not from a viewArtist request.
Returns an arrayref, each element being a paragraph in the artist's bio. Undefined results if called on XML not from a biography request.
Processes a generic plist in the XML and returns an arrayref of hashrefs containing the information.
Returns an arrayref of hashrefs of information about the influential albums. Undefined results if called on XML not from an influencers request.
Purges the current root twig.
Copyright 2004, Thomas R. Sibley.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to:
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Stanford, California 94305, USA.
Thomas R. Sibley,