strgroup (This may change its program name into `strsort'.)






For each character string on each line, group them based on either of 
beginning N characters, ending N characters or `the string specified and later'.
The output is sorted by the key as defined above with the input frequency and 
concrete examples. 

OPTION (N means a nubmeric parameter, str means the chracter string parameter.)

-g N

The number of items for each group is Got at most 2*N. (The smalles N items and the largest N items.)

-h N

Taking N characters from the Head of the charater string.

-t N

Taking N characters from the Tail of the charater string.

-s str

Taking `str' and *after*. Shortest match. Example: " -s . " then you can sort all the file extention.


The flag that you specify the regular expression. So you can use "-r -s '(?<=pattern)foo' " .


No aggregation.


In the output, each item is attached with the input line number like '12:item'


Numbering the strings with green for each key group.


In the output, each item is suppressed of the substring corresponding to the key.


Put priority by the total frequency for each group(key).


Process as UTF-8.


Simple output so that no header in the output.

-y N..N[,N..N]..

Filter by the frequency. N1..N2 means a range. You can specify multiple ranges by ",".


Key will be bold. Useful to identify that they are keys.


Reverse the order of ouput lines.


Show this help manual.


This program has been made since 2018-08-18.


"Toshiyuki Shimono", <bin4tsv at>