strgroup (This may change its program name into `strsort'.)
For each character string on each line, group them based on either of
beginning N characters, ending N characters or `the string specified and later'.
The output is sorted by the key as defined above with the input frequency and
concrete examples.
OPTION (N means a nubmeric parameter, str means the chracter string parameter.)
- -g N
The number of items for each group is Got at most 2*N. (The smalles N items and the largest N items.)
- -h N
Taking N characters from the Head of the charater string.
- -t N
Taking N characters from the Tail of the charater string.
- -s str
Taking `str' and *after*. Shortest match. Example: " -s . " then you can sort all the file extention.
- -r
The flag that you specify the regular expression. So you can use "-r -s '(?<=pattern)foo' " .
- -1
No aggregation.
- -:
In the output, each item is attached with the input line number like '12:item'
- -n
Numbering the strings with green for each key group.
- -x
In the output, each item is suppressed of the substring corresponding to the key.
- -c
Put priority by the total frequency for each group(key).
- -u
Process as UTF-8.
- -2
Simple output so that no header in the output.
- -y N..N[,N..N]..
Filter by the frequency. N1..N2 means a range. You can specify multiple ranges by ",".
- -B
Key will be bold. Useful to identify that they are keys.
- -~
Reverse the order of ouput lines.
- --help
Show this help manual.
This program has been made since 2018-08-18.
"Toshiyuki Shimono", <bin4tsv at>