saikoro -g I,J -y L..U # I,J,L,U are all numbers.
A random number(matrix) generator from uniform distributions. Generates random uniform variable. Discrete/uniform can be specified.
-g N ; Get N random variables.
-g N1,N2 ; Get N1 times N2 variables. N1 for vertical, N2 for horizontal.
-~ ; Number specifications N1 and N2 are reversed.
-y N1,N2 ; Limit the values in [N1,N2]. Form "-y N1..N2" is also allowed.
-. N : Switch to continuous from discrete. N digits after decimal points by rounding.
-1 : Switch to no secondary information that would be output to STDOUT. (Quiet)
-s N : Random seeed specification. Essentially the residual divided by 2**32 is used.
-/ char : Specifies the horizontal separator character.
--help : Print this online help manual of this command "saikoro". Similar to "perldoc `which [-t] saikoro` ".
--help opt : Only shows the option helps. It is easy to read when you are in very necessary.
--help ja : Shows Japanese online help manual. ; "saikoro --help ja" で日本語のオンラインマニュアルを表示します。
--help nopod : Print this online manual using the code insdide this program without using the function of Perl POD.
--version : Outputs version information of this program.
- saikoro
# Outputs 12 random numbers from {1,2,3,4,5,6} horizontally.
- saikoro -~
# Outputs 12 random numbers from {1,2,3,4,5,6} vertically.
- saikoro -g 5,8
# 5 x 8 matrix whose elements are from {1,2,..,6}.
- saikoro -g 5,8 -y 0,100
# 5 x 8 matrix whose elements are from {0, 1, 2,..,100}.
- saikoro -g 5,8 -. 3
# Continuous random variables with 3 digits after decimal points.
Toshiyuki Shimono
This program has been made since 2016-03-04 (Fri) as a part of TSV hacking toolset for table data.