Program name : '=script='  ('=bin=')

Function : generating Gaussian random variables by Box-Muller method.

Output to STDOUT :  
   1. The generated Gaussian random number(s).

Output to STDERR : 
   2. The random seed used. 
   3. The sums of the generated numbers and the square of them.

Options : 
  -m N : Mean. Default is 0.
  -d N : Standard Deviation. Default is 1.
  -v N : Variance. Default is 1. -d is given more priority.
  -. N : The decimal places after the decimal point.

  -g N : How many numbers you need. Default : 6
  -q   : Only output the random number without other secondary information.
  -s N : Random seed specification. Seemingly the residual divided by 2^32 is essential.
  -:   ; Entail serial number from 1. 

 --help : Print this online help manual of this command "'=SCRIPT='". Similar to "perldoc `which [-t] '=SCRIPT='` ".
 --help opt ..or..  --help options : Only shows the option helps. It is easy to read when you are in very necessary.
 --help ja : Shows Japanese online help manual. ; "'=script=' --help ja" で日本語のオンラインマニュアルを表示します。
 --help nopod : Print this online manual using the code insdide this program without using the function of Perl POD.