Changes for version 0.24

  • Added new regex feature to allow one to capture regex matches and update field values, ie: update MYTABLE set FIELD1 = '$1' where FIELD2 =~ '(\d+)' This will set FIELD1 to the 1st number found in FIELD2 in the same record. Up to 2 matches for each "where" expression containing "=~" or "!~" may be captured. $1 .. $n correspond to each set of unescaped parenthesis from left to right in the "where" clause.
  • Added TO_CHAR function for converting Perl "time" values to printable formats. Has most date and numeric functions in the two-argument form of the Oracle "TO_CHAR" function, which it is designed to emulate.
  • Added some optimization for mass-updates.
  • Added many other new Oracle functions (TO_NUMBER, USER, ABS, COS, EXP, FLOOR, MOD, POWER, ROUND, SIGN, SIN, TAN, TRUNC, CHR, INITCAP, LTRIM, REPLACE, RTRIM, TRANSLATE, ASCII, LENGTH, SYSDATE. All should now work when selected from "DUAL".


Perl extension for DBI, providing database emmulation via flat files.
Modified version of Sprite to manipulate text delimited flat-files as databases using SQL emulating Oracle. The remaining documentation is based on Sprite.


in lib/DBD/
in lib/DBD/
in lib/DBD/