Date::Time2fmtstr - Functions to format Perl time integers to strings based on a "Picture" format string.
Jim Turner
(c) 2015, Jim Turner under the same license that Perl 5 itself is. All rights reserved.
use Date::Time2fmtstr;
print time2str(time, 'mm-dd-yyyy hh:mi PM');
Date::Time2fmtstr provides a single function time2str that accepts a standard Perl (Unix) "time" value (a large integer equivalent to the number of seconds since 1980) and converts it to a string value based on a format-string consisting of special substrings which represent the various parts of a date and time value. It returns a string that is essentially the same as the original format-string with each of these special substrings replaced with the corresponding date/time value.
- <$string> = time2str(time, format-string);
Returns a string corresponding to the specified format-string with each special substring replaced with the corresponding date/time data field. For example:
$s = time2str(1452324044, 'mm-dd-yyyy hh:mi PM (Day) (Month)');
would set $s to '01-09-2016 01:20 AM (Sat) (January)'.
- Special Formatting Substrings
There are numerous choices of special format substrings which can be used in an infinite number of combinations to produce the desired results. They are listed below:
month - The Full name of the month in all lower case, ie. "january".
Month - The Full name of the month capitalized, ie. "January".
MONTH - The Full name of the month all capitalized, ie. "JANUARY".
dayofweek - Day of the week in all lower case, ie. "sunday".
Dayofweek - Day of the week capitalized, ie. "Sunday".
DAYOFWEEK - Day of the week all capitalized, ie. "SUNDAY".
day - Three letter abbreviation of the day of the week in all lower case, ie. "sun".
Day - Three letter abbreviation of the day of the week capitalized, ie. "Sun".
DAY - Three letter abbreviation of the day of the week all capitalized, ie. "SUN".
ddd - Num. of days since beginning of year.
dd - Day of month (2 digits, left padded with a zero if needed), ie. "01".
d1 - Day of month (1 or 2 digits, as needed), ie. "1".
d0, d - Numeric day of the week zero-based (Sunday=0, Monday=1, ... Saturday=6).
d1 - Numeric day of the week one-based (Sunday=1, Monday=2, ... Saturday=7).
yyyymmdd - Numeric date in 8 digits, ie. "20150107" for January 7, 2015.
yyyy, rrrr - Year in 4 digits.
yy, rr - Year in last 2 digits.
hh24 - Military time (hours and minutes: 24 hours, no colon).
hh - Hour in common format, ie. 01-12.
h1 - Hour in common format, 1 or 2 digits, as needed, ie. 1-12.
mi - Minute, ie. 00-59.
mm - Number of month (2 digits, left padded with a zero if needed), ie. "01" for January.
mon - Three letter abbreviation of the month, in lower case, ie. "jan" for January.
HH - Hour in 24-hour format, 2 digits, left padded with a zero if needed, ie. 00-23.
H1 - Hour in 24-hour format, 1 or 2 digits, as needed, ie. 0-23.
Mon - Three letter abbreviation of the month, capitalized, ie. "Jan" for January.
MON - Three letter abbreviation of the month all capitalized, ie. "JAN".
m1 - Number of month (1 or 2 digits, as needed), ie. "1" for January.
sssss - Seconds since start of day.
ss - Seconds since start of last minute (2 digits), ie. 00-59.
am, pm - display "am" if between Midnight and Noon, "pm" otherwise (both specifiers are identical).
AM, PM - display "AM" if between Midnight and Noon, "PM" otherwise (both specifiers are identical).
a, p - display "a" if between Midnight and Noon, "p" otherwise (both specifiers are identical).
A, P - display "A" if between Midnight and Noon, "P" otherwise (both specifiers are identical).
rm - Roman numeral for the month (i-xii) in lower case.
RM - Roman numeral for the month (I-XII) in upper case.
ww - Number of week of the year (00-51).
q - Number of the quarter of the year - (1-4).
Date::Fmtstr2time, String::PictureFormat, formatting, picture_clause, strings