Net::xFTP - Common wrapper functions for use with either Net::FTP, Net::SFTP, Net::FSP, Net::FTPSSL, Net::OpenSSH, Net:SSH2, and Net::SFTP::Foreign.


Jim Turner, <>


Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Jim Turner <>. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

This is a derived work from Net::FTP and Net::SFTP. Net::FTP is copyrighted by Graham Barr and Net::SFTP is copyrighted by Benjamin Trott and maintained by Dave Rolsky. Both are copyrighted under the same terms as this module.

Many thanks go to these gentlemen whose work made this module possible.


use Net::xFTP;

#Test for needed protocol module.
die "..This server connection needs Net::SFTP!" 
	unless (Net::xFTP->haveModule('Net::SFTP'));

#Example 1:  Establish a new SFTP connection to a remote host.
$ftp = Net::xFTP->new('SFTP', "", Debug => 0,
		user => 'userid', password => 'opensesme')
	or die "Cannot connect to $@";

#Example 2:  Establish a "local" (simulated connection) to self.
$ftp = Net::xFTP->new();  # -OR-
$ftp = Net::xFTP->new('Local');

#Change the current working directory on the remote host.
$ftp->cwd('/pub')  or die 
	"Cannot change working directory ", $ftp->message();

#Get the current working directory on the remote host.
my $current_remote_path = $ftp->pwd();

#Get a list of files and subdirectories in "/pub".
my @filesAndSubfolders = $ftp->ls('/pub');

#Get a detailed (ls -l) list of files and subdirectories.
my @ls_l_details = $ftp->dir('/pub');

#Create a new subdirectory.
	or die "Cannot make subdirectory ", $ftp->message();

#Remove an empty subdirectory.
	or die "Cannot remove subdirectory ", $ftp->message();

#Get the contents of a file on the remote server.
$ftp->get('remote.file', 'local.file')
	or die "get failed ", $ftp->message();

#Get the contents of a remote file and write to an open filehandle.
open FHANDLE, ">local.file" or die "Could not open local file ($!)";
print FHANDLE "A Header Line!\n";
flush FHANDLE;
$ftp->get('remote.file', *FHANDLE)
	or die "get failed ", $ftp->message();
print FHANDLE "A Footer Line!\n";
close FHANDLE;

#Put a local file onto the remote server.
$ftp->put('local.file', 'remote.file')
	or die "put failed ", $ftp->message();

#Read from a file handle putting the content in a remote file.
open FHANDLE "<local.file" or die "Could not open local file ($!)";
$ftp->put(*FHANDLE, 'remote.file')
	or die "put failed ", $ftp->message();
close FHANDLE;

#Delete a remote file.
	or die "Cannot delete file ", $ftp->message();

#Rename a remote file.
$ftp->rename('oldfilename', 'newfilename')
	or die "Cannot delete file ", $ftp->message();

#Change permissions of a remote file.
$ftp->chmod(755, 'some.file.or.dir')
	or die "Cannot change permissions ", $ftp->message();

#Fetch the size of a remote file.
print "remote.file has ".$ftp->size('remote.file')." bytes.\n";

#Fetch the modification time of a remote file.
print "remote.file has ".$ftp->mdtm('remote.file')." bytes.\n";

#Copy a remote file to a new remote location.
	or die "Cannot copy the file ", $ftp->message();

#Move a remote file to a new remote location.
$ftp->move('old/path/old.filename', 'new/path/new.filename')
	or die "Cannot move the file ", $ftp->message();

#Call a protocol-specific method.
$result = $ftp->method('timeout',100)

#Disconnect an existing connection.


Even though Net::xFTP will work in a connection-simulating "local" mode, to be truly useful, one needs either Net::FTP, Net::SFTP, or one or more of the other supported Net::* protocol modules.

Net::SFTP::Attributes is also needed, if using Net::SFTP.

Net::SFTP::Constants is also needed for using the copy, move functions, or using the put function with a filehandle.


Net::xFTP is a wrapper class to combine common functions of (currently) Net::FTP, Net::SFTP, Net::FSP, Net::FTPSSL, Net::OpenSSH, Net:SSH2, and Net::SFTP::Foreign into a single set of functions allowing one to switch seemlessly between the two without having to make non-trivial code changes. Only functionality common to all protocols has been implemented here with the intent and invitation to add more functions and features and other *FTP-ish modules in the future, as discovered or requested.


I created this module when I had developed several web application programs which FTP'd data to and from a central server via Net::FTP. The client changed to a new remote server that required Net::SFTP. Faced with rewriting these programs without changing functionality (since for some reason Net::FTP and Net::SFTP use slightly different methods and conventions). I decided instead to simply create a common module that would use the same method calls to do the same things and allow me to specify the protocol in a single place. I also am the author of ptkftp, a Perl/Tk graphical user-interface to Net::FTP and Net::SFTP. I now intend to rewrite it to use Net::xFTP and greatly reduce and simplify the code for that application.

Hopelfully others will find this module useful. Patches adding needed functionality are welcome.



This is the constructor for a new Net::FTP object. The first two arguments are required and are positional. Sebsequent arguments (OPTIONS) are in the form "name => value". It returns a Net::xFTP handle object, or undef on failure. If it fails, the reason will be in $@.

PROTOCOL is the underling module or protocol name. Currently valid values are: FTP, SFTP, Net::FTP, and Net::SFTP. There are only two real options - one may either include or omit the "Net::" part. A third option is to pass "local", zero, an empty string, or undef in which case the functions are mapped over the local machine, accessable as if connected via ftp! For example, the get and put methods simply copy files from one directory to another on the user's local machine. If PROTOCOL is local, then the other options, ie. HOST are optional. Default is local (no remote connection).

HOST is the name of the remote host to which an FTP connection is required (except with the local protocol.

OPTIONS are passed in a hash like fashion, using key and value pairs. Possible options are:

user is the user-name or login-id to log in with. For FTP, if not specified, then 'anonymous' is used.

password is the password, if required, for connecting. For FTP, if not specified, then 'anonymous@' is used.

BlockSize specifies the buffer size to use for buffered data transfers. Default is 10240.

Debug specifies the debug level for FTP and toggles it for SFTP. Default is zero (false), which turns debug off for both. Set the numeric level (non-zero) for FTP, and SFTP will accept it as true and turn on debugging.

xftp_home specifies an alternate directory for SFTP to create the ".ssh" subdirectory for keeping track of "known hosts". The default is $ENV{HOME}. This option is useful for web CGI scripts which run often under a user with no "home" directory. The format is: "/some/path/that/the/user/can/write/to".

To specify protocol-specific args Not to be passed if the other protocol is used, append "protocol_" to the option, ie. "sftp_ssh_args" to specify the SFTP option "ssh_args".


Unless otherwise stated all methods return either a true or false value, with true meaning that the operation was a success. When a method states that it returns a value, failure will be returned as undef or an empty list.


Transfer file in ASCII, if using FTP. CRLF translation will be done if required. This is a do-nothing method for SFTP and local.

Always returns undef.


Transfer file in binary mode. No transformation will be done if using FTP. This is a do-nothing method for SFTP and local.

Always returns undef.


Sets the permissions on PATH, which can be either a file or subdirectory. PERMISSIONS is an octal number expressed as a decimal. Common values are 777 (full access), 755 (rwxr-xr-x) and 644 (rw-r--r--).

Returns 1 if successful, undef if fails.


Copies the file OLDFILE to NEWFILE, creating or overwriting it if necessary. OLDFILE and NEWFILE may be in different directories.

Returns 1 if successful, undef if fails.

cwd ( [ DIR ] )

Attempt to change directory to the directory given in $dir. If $dir is "..", the FTP CDUP command is used to attempt to move up one directory. If no directory is given then an attempt is made to change the directory to the root directory. For SFTP, the new directory is saved and subsequent relative paths have this value appended to them.

Returns 1 if successful, undef if fails.

delete ( FILENAME )

Send a request to the server to delete FILENAME. Calls either the FTP->delete method or SFTP->do_remove method. For local, calls Perl's unlink function.

Returns 1 if successful, undef if fails.

dir ( [ DIR [, SHOWALL ]] )

Get a directory listing of DIR, or the current directory in long (ls -l) format. See also the ls method.

DIR specifies the absolute or relative path. Default is "." (Current working directory). ".." is also valid.

SHOWALL - if true, all files and subdirectory names will be listed. If false, "hidden" files and subdirectories (those whose names begin with a ".") will be omitted. Default is false.

In an array context, returns a sorted list of lines returned from the server. In a scalar context, returns a reference to the list. Each line consists of either a file or subdirectory name or "." or "..". ".." is omitted if DIR is "/".

Returns undef on failure.


Get REMOTE_FILE from the server and store locally. If LOCAL_FILE is not specified, then a file with the same name as REMOTE_FILE sans the path information will be created on the current working directory of the machine the program is running on. LOCAL_FILE can also be an open file-handle (see example in the SYNOPSIS section). If so, it must be passed as a typeglob. For local protocol, simply copys REMOTE_FILE to LOCAL_FILE.

Returns 1 if successful, undef if fails.

isadir ( DIR )

Returns 1 (true) if DIR is a subdirectory, 0 (false) otherwise.

ls ( [ DIR [, SHOWALL ]] )

Get a directory listing of DIR, or the current directory. Just the file and or subfolder names are returned. For a full listing (like ls -l), see the dir method.

DIR specifies the absolute or relative path. Default is "." (Current working directory). ".." is also valid.

SHOWALL - if true, all files and subdirectory names will be listed. If false, "hidden" files and subdirectories (those whose names begin with a ".") will be omitted. Default is false.

In an array context, returns a sorted list of lines returned from the server. In a scalar context, returns a reference to the list. Each line consists of either a file or subdirectory name or "." or "..". ".." is omitted if DIR is "/".

Returns undef on failure.

message ()

Returns the last error message from the most recent method call. For FTP, simply calles $FTP-message()>. For SFTP, we must eval / trap the error from @_ and or use some method's call-back function option.

mkdir ( DIR [, RECURSE ])

Create a new directory with the name DIR. If RECURSE is true then mkdir will attempt to create all the directories in the given path.

Calls the mkdir method in FTP or do_mkdir method in SFTP.

Returns 1 if successful, undef if fails.


Moves the file OLDFILE to NEWFILE, creating or overwriting it if necessary. OLDFILE and NEWFILE may be in different directories, unlike rename, which can only change the name (in the same path). Essentially does a copy, followed by a delete, if successfully copied.

Returns 1 if successful, undef if fails.

Net::xFTP->haveFTP ()

Returns 1 if Net::FTP is installed, 0 otherwise.

Net::xFTP->haveSFTP ()

Returns 1 if Net::SFTP is installed, 0 otherwise.

Net::xFTP->haveModules ()

Returns a reference to a hash in the form: { 'Net::FTP' => 1|0, 'Net::SFTP' => 1|0 }

Net::xFTP->haveModule ( MODULE_NAME )

Expects the name of one of the supported FTP modules (currently: 'Net::FTP', 'Net::SFTP', 'Net::SSH2', 'Net::SFTP::Foreign', 'Net::OpenSSH', 'Net::FSP', or 'Net::FTPSSL'.

Returns either 1, if the module is installed or 0 if not.


This is the constructor. It returns either a Net::xFTP object or undef on failure. For details, see the "CONSTRUCTOR" section above. For FTP, this method also calls the "login" method to connect.

Returns a Net::xFTP handle object, or undef on failure. If it fails, the reason will be in $@.

protocol ()

Returns either Net::FTP or Net::SFTP, depending on which underlying module is being used. Returns an empty string is local is used.


Put a file on the remote server. LOCAL_FILE and REMOTE_FILE are specified as strings representing the absolute or relative path and file name. If REMOTE_FILE is not specified then the file will be stored in the current working directory on the remote machine with the same fname (sans directory information) as LOCAL_FILE. LOCAL_FILE can also be an open file-handle (see example in the SYNOPSIS section). If so, it must be passed as a typeglob and REMOTE_FILE must be specified. For local protocol, simply copies LOCAL_FILE to REMOTE_FILE.

Returns 1 if successful, undef if fails.

NOTE: If for some reason the transfer does not complete and an error is returned then the contents that had been transfered will not be remove automatically.

pwd ()

Returns the full pathname of the current working directory.

quit ()

Calls FTP->quit() for FTP, For SFTP, which does not have a terminating method, simply deletes the SFTP object.


Rename a file on the remote FTP server from "OLDNAME" to "NEWNAME". Calls the rename method for FTP and do_rename for SFTP. For local protocol, simply renames the file.

Returns 1 if successful, undef if fails.

rmdir ( DIR )

Remove the directory with the name DIR. The directory must first be empty to remove. Calls the rmdir method for FTP and do_rmdir for SFTP. For local protocol, simiply removes the directory.

Returns 1 if successful, undef if fails.

size ( FILE )

Returns the size in bytes of FILE, or undef on failure. For FTP, the size method is called, for SFTP: do_stat. For <local>, perl's stat function.

mdtm ( FILE )

Returns the modification time in Perl "time" format of FILE, or undef on failure. For FTP, the size method is called, for SFTP: do_stat. For <local>, perl's stat function.

method ( args )

Even though Net::xFTP is designed for commonality, it may occassionally be necessary to call a method specific to a given protocol. To do this, simply invoke the method as follows:

$ftp->{xftp}->method ( args ) #DEPRECIATED with v1.00, use: $ftp->method ( args )


 print "-FTP size of file = ".$ftp->method('size', '/pub/myfile').".\n"
		if ($ftp->protocol() eq 'Net::FTP');

Internal module used to capture non-fatal warning messages from Net::SFTP methods.


Add a stat method when this is supported in Net::FTP. Add any additional Net::*FTP-ish protocols as discovered or requested.


Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


This is a derived work from Net::FTP and Net::SFTP. Net::FTP is copyrighted by Graham Barr and Net::SFTP is copyrighted by Benjamin Trott and maintained by Dave Rolsky. Both are copyrighted under the same terms as this module.

Many thanks go to these gentlemen whose work made this module possible.












ftp, sftp, xftp, Net::FTP, Net::SFTP