Changes for version 4.8
- within the insert() function so that fetchhash() returned a hash that was the opposite of what was passed to choices. Renamed fetchhash() function to get_hashref_byname() - still returns the reversed hash, and fetchhash() remains in place for backwards compat. Added new function get_hashref_byvalue() to return the hash back out correctly! Also added new functions: get_index('value') to return the index# (usable by get() function of the list option displayed as 'value'); delete_byvalue('value' [, 'value2'...]) to delete list items by their displayed values; and reference() to return the displayed list value for the given hash key (opposite of dereference()).
Full-featured "Combo-box" (Text-entry combined with drop-down listbox) derived from Tk::BrowseEntry with many additional features and options.