Changes for version 5.0

  • always working properly, particularly on M$-Windows.
  • Added new PressButton() function to enable developers to programattically "press" the dropdown list button.
  • Added new get_icursor() function to make fetching the cursor location in the entry field. Most useful arguments are: 'insert' and 'end'.
  • Added -deletecmd callback to allow user to properly update their history files when feeding them to the drop-down list.
  • Added -altbinding options: "Return=NoEmptyGo", "Return=SingleGo", and "Down=Popup" as well as "Down=None", "Up=None", "Right=None", "Esc=None", "Return=None", and "Space=None".
  • Adjusted dropdown menu's width to work better when -nobutton is set.
  • Cleaned up the code and documentation, including fixing some "strict refs" errors and problems when a -default value is specified.


Full-featured "Combo-box" (Text-entry combined with drop-down listbox) derived from Tk::BrowseEntry with many additional features and options.