Changes for version 0.10
- -Revised indent.php (in fckg/syntax) to compensate for what may be a bug in IE, where it does not recognize the color attribute of the <indent> tag, so that the middle dots are printed to the screen. Now we use middle dots in DokuWikiFCK, but convert them to in indent.php for putput to the screen. The are converted back to middle dots for saving to the DokuWiki file.
- -Removed Term::ReadLine from Makefile.PL, after Perl Tests on freebsd reported failures. Used <STDIN> instead.
- -Removed empty <indent> tags during postprocess (
- -Fixed image handling so that when image is fetched from root namespace a colon is prepended to the file name: {{:root_image.gif}} Otherwise, when the image is accessed from a subdirectory of root, it is accessed as though the image is in the media directory for that subdirectory and so not found
- -Fixed failure of FCKeditor fck_image.js to find namespace when openining DokuWiki mediamanagr for uploading images. Problem was with finding 'top' window. Added to fckeditor/fckconfig.js: FCK.getCurrentWikiNS = function () { var ns = ""; if(top.getCurrentWikiNS) { ns = top.getCurrentWikiNS(); }
- return ns;
- }
- top.getCurrentWikiNS is output by fckg/helper.php into main.php and returns the current namespace.
convert HTML into wiki markup
A WikiConverter Dialect supporting the FCKeditor in DokuWiki