Changes for version 0.28

  • 12-14 May 2009 Fixed default attributes for based on new info from David Iberry, developeer of WikiConverter. Now html2wiki can be used from command line without raising error: Can't use string ('ANY') as a HASH ref
    • Added facility to handle large files for OS'es that cannot handle them. (On systems where the shell cannot pass through large files, the files would be lost; here large files are now saved to a tmp file in save.php and reloaded for processing by dwfck in
    • Added configuration options for handling large files. The 'big_files” config setting defaults to FALSE and must be set to TRUE in the configuation manager for large files facility to take effect. Options included to set the time-out value and the file size limit, above which the large file facility comes into play.


A WikiConverter Dialect supporting the FCKeditor in DokuWiki


in lib/HTML/WikiConverter/