Changes for version 0.07 - 2003-12-01
- -Fixed utf8 implementation: MARC:Charset was not installed when utf8=>1 was set as a parameter to the _params object but only when the function form set_utf8(1) was called. The reason for this is that the function form is handled in Options::_params::AUTOLOAD, which calls AsyncZ::_setupUTF8(). I had forgotten to implement a procedure for calling AsyncZ::_setupUTF8() when the parameter format was used.
- 2003/12/4 Thursday 23:27 -Fixed bug in handling of the output callback option to the _params object. The output callback function would com into play only when cb=>\&output_function was passed as a parameter to Asynz::new(). But the callback failed when cb=>\&output_function was passed to a _params object through Net::Z3950::AsyncZ::asyncZOptions() or set through $params_object->set_cb(). Now, it works as it was supposed to, is possible to set a different callback for each individual server.
Perl extension for the Z3950 module
Perl extension for the Net::AsyncZ module
Perl extension for the Net::Z3950::AsyncZ module
in AsyncZ/
in AsyncZ/Options/
in AsyncZ/
in AsyncZ/
in AsyncZ/
in AsyncZ/