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# $Id:,v 1.5 2001/05/04 08:58:22 btrott Exp $
use strict;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $ciph = bless { }, $class;
$ciph->init(@_) if @_;
sub init {
my $ciph = shift;
my($key, $iv) = @_;
$ciph->{key} = substr($key, 0, $ciph->keysize);
$key = substr($key, 0, $ciph->keysize);
my @k = unpack 'C*', $key;
my @s = 0..255;
my($y) = (0);
for my $x (0..255) {
$y = ($k[$x % @k] + $s[$x] + $y) % 256;
@s[$x, $y] = @s[$y, $x];
$ciph->{s} = \@s;
$ciph->{x} = 0;
$ciph->{y} = 0;
sub blocksize { 8 }
sub keysize { 16 }
sub encrypt {
my($ciph, $text) = @_;
$text = RC4($ciph, $text);
sub decrypt {
my($ciph, $text) = @_;
$text = RC4($ciph, $text);
sub RC4 {
my($ciph, $text) = @_;
my($x, $y, $trans) = ($ciph->{x}, $ciph->{y}, '');
my $s = $ciph->{s};
for my $c (unpack 'C*', $text) {
$x = ($x + 1) % 256;
$y = ( $s->[$x] + $y ) % 256;
@$s[$x, $y] = @$s[$y, $x];
$trans .= pack('C', $c ^= $s->[( $s->[$x] + $s->[$y] ) % 256]);
$ciph->{x} = $x;
$ciph->{y} = $y;
=head1 NAME
Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::RC4 - RC4 encryption/decryption
use Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher;
my $cipher = Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher->new('RC4', $key);
print $cipher->encrypt($plaintext);
I<Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher::RC4> provides RC4 (I<arcfour>)
encryption support for the SSH2 protocol implementation in
I<Net::SSH::Perl>. Unlike the other I<Net::SSH::Perl::Cipher>
objects, the I<RC4> module relies on no outside libraries;
the RC4 algorithm is implemented entirely in this module.
RC4 uses key sizes of 16 bytes.
Please see the Net::SSH::Perl manpage for author, copyright,
and license information.