AnyEvent::APNS - Simple wrapper for Apple Push Notifications Service (APNS) provider
use AnyEvent::APNS;
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $apns; $apns = AnyEvent::APNS->new(
certificate => 'your apns certificate file',
private_key => 'your apns private key file',
sandbox => 1,
on_error => sub { # something went wrong },
on_connect => sub {
$apns->send( $device_token => {
aps => {
alert => 'Message received from Bob',
# disconnect and exit program as soon as possible after sending a message
# otherwise $apns makes persistent connection with apns server
$apns->handler->on_drain(sub {
undef $_[0];
This module helps you to create Apple Push Notifications Service (APNS) Provider.
Create APNS object and connect to apns service.
my $apns = AnyEvent::APNS->new(
certificate => 'your apns certificate file',
private_key => 'your apns private key file',
sandbox => 1,
on_error => sub { # something went wrong },
Supported arguments are:
- certificate => 'your apns certificate file'
- private_key => 'your apns private key file',
- sandbox => 0|1
This is a flag indicate target service is provisioning (sandbox => 1) or distribution (sandbox => 0)
Optional (Default: 0)
- on_error => $cb->($handle, $fatal, $message)
Callback to be called when something error occurs. This is wrapper for AnyEvent::Handle's on_error callbacks. Look at the document for more detail.
Optional (Default: just warn error)
- on_connect => $cb->()
Callback to be called when connection established to apns server.
Optional (Default: empty coderef)
$apns->send( $device_token, \%payload )
Send apns messages with \%payload
to device speficied $device_token
$apns->send( $device_token => {
aps => {
alert => 'Message received from Bob',
shuould be a binary 32bytes device token provided by iPhone SDK (3.0 or above)
should be a hashref suitable to apple document:
Note: If you involve multi-byte strings in \%payload
, it should be utf8 decoded strings not utf8 bytes.
Return AnyEvent::Handle object which is used to current established connection. It returns undef before connection completed.
More correct error handling
Auto recconection
Daisuke Murase <>
Copyright (c) 2009 by KAYAC Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.