This package plays a game of Keno.
Call "Playkeno" like this to play 1000 draws with five spots.
App::Games::Keno::PlayKeno(5, 1000);
Example results:
You are playing 1,000 draws with 5 spots: 22 35 37 72 76
You played 1,000 draws with 5 spots: 22 35 37 72 76
You won 112 of 1,000 draws. (1 in 8.93)
0:213 1:410 2:265 3:94 4:18 5:0
Total winnings: $512 Net Gain: -488 Loss ratio: 1.95
If you wish to see the results of each draw, turn on the verbose option:
App::Games::Keno::PlayKeno(5, 10, 'true');
Sample abbreviated results with verbose option:
You are playing 10 draws with 5 spots: 7 14 18 27 71
Starting draw 1...
Drawn Numbers: 1 12 16 22 23 25 27 30 31 32 33 34 38 40 47 52 57 60 64 69
Matched Numbers: 27
Draw 1 matches 1 of 5 spots, but there is no payout for that. You LOSE!
Gain: -1 Total Winnings: 0
Starting draw 2...
Drawn Numbers: 3 10 15 22 23 27 32 33 36 38 40 41 42 48 53 56 59 66 75 77
Matched Numbers: 27
Draw 2 matches 1 of 5 spots, but there is no payout for that. You LOSE!
Gain: -2 Total Winnings: 0
(draws 3-9 not shown in this example)
Starting draw 10...
Drawn Numbers: 5 7 11 13 14 16 21 25 26 29 33 46 48 52 55 61 66 69 71 76
Matched Numbers: 7 14 71
Draw 10 matches 3 of 5 spots. You win $2
Gain: -6 Total Winnings: 4
You played 10 draws with 5 spots: 7 14 18 27 71
You won 2 of 10 draws. (1 in 5.00)
0:2 1:2 2:4 3:2 4:0 5:0
Total winnings: $4 Net Gain: -6 Loss ratio: 2.50