subst - Greple module for text search and substitution


Version 2.03


greple -Msubst --dict dictionary [ options ]

--diffcmd command


This greple module supports search and substitution for text based on dictionary file.

Dictionary file is given by --dict option and contains pattern and correct string pairs.

greple -Msubst --dict DICT

If the dictionary file contains following data:

colou?r      color
cent(er|re)  center

Then above command find first pattern which does not match to second string, that is "colour" and "centre" in this case.

Field "//" in dictionary file is ignored, so this file can be written like this:

colou?r      //  color
cent(er|re)  //  center

You can use same file by greple's -f option and string after "//" is ignored as a comment in that case.

greple -f DICT ...

Option --check takes argument from ng, ok, any, outstand, all and none.

With default value outstand, command will show information about correct and incorrect words only when incorrect word was found.

With value ng, command will show information only about incorrect word. If you want to get data for correct word, use ok or any.

Value all and none makes sense only when used with --stat option.


Select Nth entry from the dictionary. Argument is interpreted by Getopt::EX::Numbers module. Range can be defined like --select=1:3,7:9.


If the target data is folded in the middle of text, use --linefold option. It creates regex patterns which matches string spread across lines. Substituted text does not include newline, though. Because it confuses regex behavior somewhat, avoid to use if possible.


Print statistical information. By default, it only prints information about incorrect words. Works with --check option.


Substitute matched pattern to correct string. Pattern without replacement string is not changed.


Option -diff produce diff output of original and converted text.

Specify diff command name used by --diff option. Default is "diff -u".


Replace the target file by converted result. Original file is renamed to backup name with ".bak" suffix.


Create new file and write the result. Suffix ".new" is appended to original filename.


Copyright (C) Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.



Kazumasa Utashiro