Getopt::EX::Hashed - Hash store object automation


use App::foo;

package App::foo;

use Getopt::EX::Hashed;
has start => ( spec => "=i s begin", default => 1 );
has end   => ( spec => "=i e" );
no  Getopt::EX::Hashed;

sub run {
    my $app = shift;
    use Getopt::Long;
    $app->getopt or pod2usage();
    if ($app->{start}) {


Getopt::EX::Hashed is a module to automate a hash object to store command line option values. Major objective of this module is to integrate initialization and specification into single place. Module name shares Getopt::EX, but it works independently from other modules included in Getopt::EX, so far.

In the current implementation, using Getopt::Long, or compatible module such as Getopt::EX::Long is assumed. It is configurable, but no other module is supported now.



Declare option parameters in a form of:

has option_name => ( param => value, ... );

If array reference is given, multiple names can be declared at once.

has [ 'left', 'right' ] => ( param => value, ... );

If the name start with plus (+), given parameters are added to current value.

has '+left' => ( default => 1 );

Following parameters are available.

spec => string

Give option specification. Option spec and alias names are separated by white space, and can show up in any order.


has start => ( spec => "=i s begin" );

will be compiled into string:


which conform to Getopt::Long definition. Of course, you can write this as this:

has start => ( spec => "s|begin=i" );

If the name and aliases contain underscore (_), another alias name is defined with dash (-) in place of underscores. So

has a_to_z => ( spec => "=s" );

will be compiled into:


If nothing special is necessary, give empty (or white space only) string as a value. Otherwise, it is not considered as an option.

alias => string

Additional alias names can be specified by alias parameter too. There is no difference with ones in spec parameter.

default => value

Set default value. If no default is given, the member is initialized as undef.

If the value is code reference, hash object is passed by $_.

has [ qw(left right both) ] => spec => '=i';
has "+both" => default => sub {
    $_->{left} = $_->{right} = $_[1];
} ;

You can use this for "<>" too, and spec parameter is not required in this case.

has ARGV => default => [];
has "<>" => default => sub {
    push @{$_->{ARGV}}, $_[0];



Class method to get initialized hash object.


There should be some configurable variables, but not fixed yet.


Call GetOptions function defined in caller's context with appropriate parameters.


is just a shortcut for:

GetOptions($obj, $obj->optspec)

Return option specification list which can be given to GetOptions function with the hash object.


Because hash keys are protected by Hash::Util::lock_keys, accessing non-existing member causes an error. Use this function to declare new member key before use.

$obj->use_keys( qw(foo bar) );

If you want to access arbitrary keys, unlock the object.

use Hash::Util 'unlock_keys';
unlock_keys %{$obj};





Kazumasa Utashiro


The following copyright notice applies to all the files provided in this distribution, including binary files, unless explicitly noted otherwise.

Copyright 2021 Kazumasa Utashiro


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.