Getopt::EX::Colormap - ANSI terminal color and option support
GetOptions('colormap|cm:s' => @opt_colormap);
require Getopt::EX::Colormap;
my $cm = Getopt::EX::Colormap
print $cm->color('FILE', 'FILE labeled text');
print $cm->index_color($index, 'TEXT');
use Getopt::EX::Colormap qw(colorize);
$text = colorize(SPEC, TEXT);
$text = colorize(SPEC_1, TEXT_1, SPEC_2, TEXT_2, ...);
$ perl -MGetopt::EX::Colormap=colortable -e colortable
Coloring text capability is not strongly bound to option processing, but it may be useful to give a simple uniform way to specify complicated color setting from command line.
This module assumes color information is given in two ways: one in labeled list, and one in indexed list.
Handler maintains hash and list objects, and labeled colors are stored in hash, non-label colors are in list automatically. User can mix both specifications.
This is an example of labeled list:
Each color definitions are separated by comma (,
) and labels are specified by LABEL= style precedence. Multiple labels can be set for same value by connecting them together. Label name can be specified with *
and ?
wildcard characters.
If the color spec start with plus (+
) mark with labeled list format, it is appended to the current value with reset mark (^
). Next example uses wildcard to set all labels end with `CHANGE' to `R' and set `R^S' to `OCHANGE' label.
Indexed list example is like this:
--cm 555/100,555/010,555/001 \
--cm 555/011,555/101,555/110 \
--cm 555/021,555/201,555/210 \
--cm 555/012,555/102,555/120
This is the example of RGB 6x6x6 216 colors specification. Left side of slash is foreground color, and right side is for background. This color list is accessed by index.
Besides producing ANSI colored text, this module supports calling arbitrary function to handle a string. See "FUNCTION SPEC" section for more detail.
256 or 24bit COLORS
By default, this library produces ANSI 256 color sequence. That is eight standard colors, eight high intensity colors, 6x6x6 216 colors, and grayscales from black to white in 24 steps. 12bit/24bit color is converted to 6x6x6 216 color, or greyscale when all values are same.
To produce 24bit RGB color sequence, set $RGB24
module variable.
Color specification is a combination of single uppercase character representing 8 colors, and alternative (usually brighter) colors in lowercase :
R r Red
G g Green
B b Blue
C c Cyan
M m Magenta
Y y Yellow
K b Black
W w White
or RGB values and 24 grey levels if using ANSI 256 or full color terminal :
(255,255,255) : 24bit decimal RGB colors
#000000 .. #FFFFFF : 24bit hex RGB colors
#000 .. #FFF : 12bit hex RGB 4096 colors
000 .. 555 : 6x6x6 RGB 216 colors
L00 .. L25 : Black (L00), 24 grey levels, White (L25)
Beginning #
can be omitted in 24bit hex RGB notation. So 6 consecutive digits means 24bit color, and 3 digits means 6x6x6 color.
or color names enclosed by angle bracket :
<red> <blue> <green> <cyan> <magenta> <yellow>
<aliceblue> <honeydue> <hotpink> <mooccasin>
with other special effects :
N None
Z 0 Zero (reset)
D 1 Double-struck (boldface)
P 2 Pale (dark)
I 3 Italic
U 4 Underline
F 5 Flash (blink: slow)
Q 6 Quick (blink: rapid)
S 7 Stand-out (reverse video)
V 8 Vanish (concealed)
X 9 Crossed out
E Erase Line
; No effect
/ Toggle foreground/background
^ Reset to foreground
~ Cancel following effect
At first the color is considered as foreground, and slash (/
) switches foreground and background. If multiple colors are given in the same spec, all indicators are produced in the order of their presence. Consequently, the last one takes effect.
If the character is preceded by tilde (~
), it means negation of following effect; ~S
reset the effect of S
. There is a discussion about negation of D
(Track Wikipedia link in SEE ALSO), and Apple_Terminal (v2.10 433) does not reset at least.
If the spec start with plus (+
) or minus (-
) character, following characters are appended/deleted to/from previous value. Reset mark (^
) is inserted before appended string.
Effect characters are case insensitive, and can be found anywhere and in any order in color spec string. Character ;
does nothing and can be used just for readability, like SD;K/544
RGB 6x6x6 12bit 24bit color name
=== ======= ========= ============= ==================
B 005 #00F (0,0,255) <blue>
/M /505 /#F0F /(255,0,255) /<magenta>
K/W 000/555 #000/#FFF 000000/FFFFFF <black>/<white>
R/G 500/050 #F00/#0F0 FF0000/00FF00 <red>/<green>
W/w L03/L20 #333/#ccc 303030/c6c6c6 <dimgrey>/<lightgrey>
Character "E" is an abbreviation for "{EL}", and it clears the line from cursor to the end of the line. At this time, background color is set to the area. When this code is found in the start sequence, it is copied to just before ending reset sequence, with preceding sequence if necessary, to keep the effect even when the text is wrapped to multiple lines.
Other ANSI CSI sequences are also available in the form of {NAME}
, despite there are few reasons to use them.
CUU n Cursor up
CUD n Cursor Down
CUF n Cursor Forward
CUB n Cursor Back
CNL n Cursor Next Line
CPL n Cursor Previous line
CHA n Cursor Horizontal Absolute
CUP n,m Cursor Position
ED n Erase in Display (0 after, 1 before, 2 entire, 3 w/buffer)
EL n Erase in Line (0 after, 1 before, 2 entire)
SU n Scroll Up
SD n Scroll Down
HVP n,m Horizontal Vertical Position
SGR n* Select Graphic Rendition
SCP Save Cursor Position
RCP Restore Cursor Position
These name accept following optional numerical parameters, using comma (',') or semicolon (';') to separate multiple ones, with optional braces. For example, color spec DK/544
can be described as {SGR1;30;48;5;224}
or more readable {SGR(1,30,48,5,224)}
Some other escape sequences are supported in the form of {NAME}
. These sequences do not start with CSI, and take no parameters.
RIS Reset to Initial State
DECSC DEC Save Cursor
DECRC DEC Restore Cursor
Color names are experimentally supported in this version. Currently names are listed in Graphics::ColorNames::X module. Following colors are available.
gray gray0 .. gray100
grey grey0 .. grey100
aliceblue antiquewhite antiquewhite1 antiquewhite2 antiquewhite3
antiquewhite4 aqua aquamarine aquamarine1 aquamarine2 aquamarine3
aquamarine4 azure azure1 azure2 azure3 azure4 beige bisque bisque1
bisque2 bisque3 bisque4 black blanchedalmond blue blue1 blue2 blue3
blue4 blueviolet brown brown1 brown2 brown3 brown4 burlywood
burlywood1 burlywood2 burlywood3 burlywood4 cadetblue cadetblue1
cadetblue2 cadetblue3 cadetblue4 chartreuse chartreuse1 chartreuse2
chartreuse3 chartreuse4 chocolate chocolate1 chocolate2 chocolate3
chocolate4 coral coral1 coral2 coral3 coral4 cornflowerblue cornsilk
cornsilk1 cornsilk2 cornsilk3 cornsilk4 crimson cyan cyan1 cyan2 cyan3
cyan4 darkblue darkcyan darkgoldenrod darkgoldenrod1 darkgoldenrod2
darkgoldenrod3 darkgoldenrod4 darkgray darkgreen darkgrey darkkhaki
darkmagenta darkolivegreen darkolivegreen1 darkolivegreen2
darkolivegreen3 darkolivegreen4 darkorange darkorange1 darkorange2
darkorange3 darkorange4 darkorchid darkorchid1 darkorchid2 darkorchid3
darkorchid4 darkred darksalmon darkseagreen darkseagreen1
darkseagreen2 darkseagreen3 darkseagreen4 darkslateblue darkslategray
darkslategray1 darkslategray2 darkslategray3 darkslategray4
darkslategrey darkturquoise darkviolet deeppink deeppink1 deeppink2
deeppink3 deeppink4 deepskyblue deepskyblue1 deepskyblue2 deepskyblue3
deepskyblue4 dimgray dimgrey dodgerblue dodgerblue1 dodgerblue2
dodgerblue3 dodgerblue4 firebrick firebrick1 firebrick2 firebrick3
firebrick4 floralwhite forestgreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostwhite gold
gold1 gold2 gold3 gold4 goldenrod goldenrod1 goldenrod2 goldenrod3
goldenrod4 honeydew honeydew1 honeydew2 honeydew3 honeydew4 hotpink
hotpink1 hotpink2 hotpink3 hotpink4 indianred indianred1 indianred2
indianred3 indianred4 indigo ivory ivory1 ivory2 ivory3 ivory4 khaki
khaki1 khaki2 khaki3 khaki4 lavender lavenderblush lavenderblush1
lavenderblush2 lavenderblush3 lavenderblush4 lawngreen lemonchiffon
lemonchiffon1 lemonchiffon2 lemonchiffon3 lemonchiffon4 lightblue
lightblue1 lightblue2 lightblue3 lightblue4 lightcoral lightcyan
lightcyan1 lightcyan2 lightcyan3 lightcyan4 lightgoldenrod
lightgoldenrod1 lightgoldenrod2 lightgoldenrod3 lightgoldenrod4
lightgoldenrodyellow lightgray lightgreen lightgrey lightpink
lightpink1 lightpink2 lightpink3 lightpink4 lightsalmon lightsalmon1
lightsalmon2 lightsalmon3 lightsalmon4 lightseagreen lightskyblue
lightskyblue1 lightskyblue2 lightskyblue3 lightskyblue4 lightslateblue
lightslategray lightslategrey lightsteelblue lightsteelblue1
lightsteelblue2 lightsteelblue3 lightsteelblue4 lightyellow
lightyellow1 lightyellow2 lightyellow3 lightyellow4 lime limegreen
linen magenta magenta1 magenta2 magenta3 magenta4 maroon maroon1
maroon2 maroon3 maroon4 mediumaquamarine mediumblue mediumorchid
mediumorchid1 mediumorchid2 mediumorchid3 mediumorchid4 mediumpurple
mediumpurple1 mediumpurple2 mediumpurple3 mediumpurple4 mediumseagreen
mediumslateblue mediumspringgreen mediumturquoise mediumvioletred
midnightblue mintcream mistyrose mistyrose1 mistyrose2 mistyrose3
mistyrose4 moccasin navajowhite navajowhite1 navajowhite2 navajowhite3
navajowhite4 navy navyblue oldlace olive olivedrab olivedrab1
olivedrab2 olivedrab3 olivedrab4 orange orange1 orange2 orange3
orange4 orangered orangered1 orangered2 orangered3 orangered4 orchid
orchid1 orchid2 orchid3 orchid4 palegoldenrod palegreen palegreen1
palegreen2 palegreen3 palegreen4 paleturquoise paleturquoise1
paleturquoise2 paleturquoise3 paleturquoise4 palevioletred
palevioletred1 palevioletred2 palevioletred3 palevioletred4 papayawhip
peachpuff peachpuff1 peachpuff2 peachpuff3 peachpuff4 peru pink pink1
pink2 pink3 pink4 plum plum1 plum2 plum3 plum4 powderblue purple
purple1 purple2 purple3 purple4 rebeccapurple red red1 red2 red3 red4
rosybrown rosybrown1 rosybrown2 rosybrown3 rosybrown4 royalblue
royalblue1 royalblue2 royalblue3 royalblue4 saddlebrown salmon salmon1
salmon2 salmon3 salmon4 sandybrown seagreen seagreen1 seagreen2
seagreen3 seagreen4 seashell seashell1 seashell2 seashell3 seashell4
sienna sienna1 sienna2 sienna3 sienna4 silver skyblue skyblue1
skyblue2 skyblue3 skyblue4 slateblue slateblue1 slateblue2 slateblue3
slateblue4 slategray slategray1 slategray2 slategray3 slategray4
slategrey snow snow1 snow2 snow3 snow4 springgreen springgreen1
springgreen2 springgreen3 springgreen4 steelblue steelblue1 steelblue2
steelblue3 steelblue4 tan tan1 tan2 tan3 tan4 teal thistle thistle1
thistle2 thistle3 thistle4 tomato tomato1 tomato2 tomato3 tomato4
turquoise turquoise1 turquoise2 turquoise3 turquoise4 violet violetred
violetred1 violetred2 violetred3 violetred4 webgray webgreen webgrey
webmaroon webpurple wheat wheat1 wheat2 wheat3 wheat4 white whitesmoke
x11gray x11green x11grey x11maroon x11purple yellow yellow1 yellow2
yellow3 yellow4 yellowgreen
Enclose them by angle bracket to use, like:
Although these colors are defined in 24bit value, they are mapped to 6x6x6 216 colors by default. Set $RGB24
module variable to use 24bit color mode.
It is also possible to set arbitrary function which is called to handle string in place of color, and that is not necessarily concerned with color. This scheme is quite powerful and the module name itself may be somewhat misleading. Spec string which start with sub{
is considered as a function definition. So
% example --cm 'sub{uc}'
set the function object in the color entry. And when color
method is called with that object, specified function is called instead of producing ANSI color sequence. Function is supposed to get the target text as a global variable $_
, and return the result as a string. Function sub{uc}
in the above example returns uppercase version of $_
If your script prints file name according to the color spec labeled by FILE, then
% example --cm FILE=R
prints the file name in red, but
% example --cm FILE=sub{uc}
will print the name in uppercases.
Spec start with &
is considered as a function name. If the function double
is defined like:
sub double { $_ . $_ }
then, command
% example --cm '&double'
produces doubled text by color
method. Function can also take parameters, so the next example
sub repeat {
my %opt = @_;
$_ x $opt{count} // 1;
% example --cm '&repeat(count=3)'
produces tripled text.
Function object is created by <Getopt::EX::Func> module. Take a look at the module for detail.
use strict;
use warnings;
my @opt_colormap;
use Getopt::EX::Long;
GetOptions("colormap|cm=s" => \@opt_colormap);
my %colormap = ( # default color map
FILE => 'R',
LINE => 'G',
TEXT => 'B',
my @colors;
require Getopt::EX::Colormap;
my $handler = Getopt::EX::Colormap->new(
HASH => \%colormap,
LIST => \@colors,
for (0 .. $#colors) {
print $handler->index_color($_, "COLOR $_"), "\n";
for (sort keys %colormap) {
print $handler->color($_, $_), "\n";
This sample program is complete to work. If you save this script as a file example, try to put following contents in ~/.examplerc and see what happens.
option default \
--cm 555/100,555/010,555/001 \
--cm 555/011,555/101,555/110 \
--cm 555/021,555/201,555/210 \
--cm 555/012,555/102,555/120
- color label, TEXT
- color color_spec, TEXT
Return colored text indicated by label or color spec string.
- index_color index, TEXT
Return colored text indicated by index. If the index is bigger than color list, it rounds up.
- new
- append
- load_params
See super class Getopt::EX::LabeledParam.
- colormap
Return string which can be used for option definition. Some parameters can be specified like:
$obj->colormap(name => "--newopt", option => "--colormap");
- name
Specify new option name.
- option
Specify option name for colormap setup.
- sort
Default value is
and sort options by their length. Usealphabet
to sort them alphabetically. - noalign
Colormap label is aligned so that `=' marks are lined vertically. Give true value to noalign parameter, if you don't like this behavior.
- colorize(color_spec, text)
- colorize24(color_spec, text)
Return colorized version of given text.
colorize produces 256 or 24bit colors depending on the value of
variable and environmentGETOPTEX_RGB24
.colorize24 always produces 24bit color sequence for 24bit/12bit color spec.
- ansi_code(color_spec)
Produces introducer sequence for given spec. Reset code can be taken by ansi_code("Z").
- ansi_pair(color_spec)
Produces introducer and recover sequences for given spec. Recover sequence includes Erase Line related control with simple SGR reset code.
- csi_code(name, params)
Produce CSI (Control Sequence Introducer) sequence by name with numeric parameters. name is one of CUU, CUD, CUF, CUB, CNL, CPL, CHA, CUP, ED, EL, SU, SD, HVP, SGR, SCP, RCP.
- colortable([width])
Print visual 256 color matrix table on the screen. Default width is 144. Use like this:
perl -MGetopt::EX::Colormap=colortable -e colortable
If you want to use this module instead of Term::ANSIColor, this example code
use Term::ANSIColor;
print color 'bold blue';
print "This text is bold blue.\n";
print color 'reset';
print "This text is normal.\n";
print colored("Yellow on magenta.", 'yellow on_magenta'), "\n";
print "This text is normal.\n";
print colored ['yellow on_magenta'], 'Yellow on magenta.', "\n";
print colored ['red on_bright_yellow'], 'Red on bright yellow.', "\n";
print colored ['bright_red on_black'], 'Bright red on black.', "\n";
print "\n";
can be written with Getopt::EX::Colormap like:
use Getopt::EX::Colormap qw(colorize ansi_code);
print ansi_code 'DB';
print "This text is bold blue.\n";
print ansi_code 'Z';
print "This text is normal.\n";
print colorize('Y/M', "Yellow on magenta."), "\n";
print "This text is normal.\n";
print colorize('Y/M', 'Yellow on magenta.'), "\n";
print colorize('R/y', 'Red on bright yellow.'), "\n";
print colorize('r/K', 'Bright red on black.'), "\n";
print "\n";
This module produces RESET and Erase Line sequence to recover from colored text. This is preferable to clear background color set by scrolling in the middle of colored text at the bottom line of the terminal.
However, some terminal, including Apple_Terminal, clear the text on the cursor when Erase Line sequence is received at the rightmost column of the screen. If you do not want this behavior, set module variable $Getopt::EX::Colormap::NO_RESET_EL
Getopt::EX, Getopt::EX::LabeledParam